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Taehyung woke up with smile on his face, today he will make everything right. He stood up from the bed and runned into bathroom.

He closed the door then locked it, after it he took off his clothes then stepped into shower cabin. Water fall down his face and body, making his body to glow.

After showering he walked back into his room and wore some comfortable yet beautiful clothes. He dryed his hair then grabbed his phone as he saw saw that he got notification.

He opened phone and saw that it was message from Jungkook. He smiled but then frowned as Jungkook was faster than him.

Jungkook: Meet me in the park in 20 minutes. We need to talk and you better show up otherwise I will come to your house.

"That coconout head!!!" Taehyung whined then grabbed his things and coat before walking downstairs then out of the house.


Taehyung's outfit

Taehyung's outfit

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Meanwhile Jungkook was ready and was about to go out of the house when his mom stopped him.

"Kook, where are you going this early? It's only 9am." His mom asked.

"I'm going to meet Tae, well only if he shows up." Jungkook said.

"Did you two had fight?" Lara asked.

"It wasn't fight. I confessed to him and he run away but there is reason why he did that. I'm going to meet him because I can't to stay away from him and I want him to be mine already." Jungkook said and smiled.

"Then go, go fast!" Lara squealed.

"Go and better bring me my son-in-law or I'm gonna kick you." Lara said.

"You will not have a chance to kick me mom. I'm going now, bye bye." Jungkook said and walked out of the house with smile on his face and with hope that everything will be alright.


Jungkook's outfit

Jungkook's outfit

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Taehyung walked into park and looked around for Jungkook. He is going to kill him for sure this time.

Poor Jungkook don't know what will happen soon, well very soon as Taehyung just saw him and hurried walking towards him, literally taking big steps.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!!!" Taehyung yelled, causing Jungkook to turn around and look at Taehyung with shocked face. Soon Taehyung was right in front of Jungkook with cute mad face.

"Tae-..." Jungkook couldn't complete his sentence as Taehyung grabbed him by his collar.

"You coconout head!!! Why did you do that??? Why? Why? Why? Why?" Taehyung screamed right into Jungkook's face.

Jungkook was shocked by sudden outburst but somehow managed to wrap his arms around Taehyung and to pull him closer to himself which made Taehyung quiet.

"W-what are you doing?" Taehyung asked, a little bit of blush on his cheeks.

"Better question is what are you doing? And what did I do?" Jungkook asked.

"Umm I.... you.... uff why did you sent that message???" Taehyung asked and pouted.

"Shouldn't I have sent a message to you?" Jungkook asked.

"Aish, I was supposed to sent you message first and I should have to make everything right." Taehyung said.

"Ohh I see but we still didn't talked about anything." Jungkook said.

Taehyung looked up at him and smiled.

"Yes! You are right!! So you better don't talk and let me tell everything." Taehyung said and cutely glared at him.

"Okey." Jungkook said and smiled.

"I told you to not talk." Taehyung said and playfully hitted his chest.

"First, I'm sorry for running away from you like that that day. I got scared when you confessed and my heart was beating fast but my mind was telling me to run away so I did that. I'm sorry if I hurted you with that, I didn't wanted to do it, I don't want to hurt you never in my life." Taehyung said.

"When you confessed to me I was happy but fear took over me and I couldn't think properly. I'm sorry about it, it's good to know that someone like you, the person who is literally perfect likes me, just normal boy. You need to know that you are so precious to me Kook, so so precious." Taehyung added.

"I acted like a child and I'm really sorry for that. I like you so much Jungkook-ah, so much that my heart hurts everytime when you are not near me. This one day without seeing you it was the worst day ever. Please, let's not separate anymore, I hate it when I can't see or hear you." Taehyung said.

Jungkook was listening carefully every word which Taehyung said. His heart was beating fast yet his eyes couldn't look away from the boy who was in his arms talking while looking everywhere just not at his eyes. When Taehyung said that he likes him, Jungkook had to control himself.

He had to control himself from kissing Taehyung right then and there. Taehyung finally looked at him and smiled, making Jungkook's heart to skip a beat.

"You are really something but I like you and I will never let you go because you are only mine and noone can't have you expect me." Jungkook said.

Taehyung giggled then hugged Jungkook tightly, Jungkook immediately hugged him back. They both felt happy, finally after long time they are happy.

"Tae." Jungkook said.

"Hmm?" Taehyung hummed.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Jungkook asked.


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