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The next day Taehyung woke up just as his parents was leaving house. He decided not to go back to sleep even if it was only 7.30am, he went upstairs to do his morning routines and change into something more comfy.

After doing all of it he left back downstairs into kitchen to make breakfast for himself and Euni.

"Should I make pancakes? I want to eat them today and Euni will probably be happy to eat pancakes for breakfast too." Taehyung said.

After sometime mix for pancakes was ready and Taehyung started making it, pouting with time on time as he tryed to make everything perfect.

After half of hour pancakes was done and Taehyung soon heard little steps coming towards kitchen.

"Good morning oppa." Euni said as she walked into kitchen and right into Taehyung's arms.

"Good morning princess." Taehyung said as he picked her up in his arms.

"Did you slept well?" Taehyung asked, earning a nod from Euni who was looking at pancakes.

"Let's fresh you first and change your clothes then we will eat pancakes with Nutella." Taehyung said.

"Yes,yes. Let's go oppa." Euni said making Taehyung to giggle at her.

After 15 minutes they was back downstairs and eating pancakes.

"This is so good oppa." Euni said as he was eating slowly with her little hands.

"Thank you baby, eat well." Taehyung said and smiled then continued eating.

After half of hour they was done with breakfast. Euni left into living room to play with her toys while Taehyung is doing dishes in the kitchen.

"Hmm, is Jungkook already awake?? He probably is, he doesn't sleep a lot." Taehyung thought to himself. He was done with dishes so he left into living room.

He turned TV on and put on some random program where was some movie playing and just then he got message. He thought maybe is Jungkook but it was his best friend Jimin.

Jimin: Hey Tae! Are you busy?

Taehyung: Hey Chim! No, I'm not. Why?

Jimin: I wanted to ask you something.

Taehyung: What is it?

Jimin: Is everything okay between you and Jungkook?

Taehyung was confused why did Jimin suddenly asked him that. Did Jungkook told him something?? Or did something happened?

Taehyung: Everything is fine, why?

Jimin: Yoongi and me was walking in the park and we saw him walking with Bam but when we called him he didn't heard us. He looks like a lost person. I thought that something happened between you too, that's why I am asking.

Taehyung: I don't know what happened to him. We are totally fine, maybe something is bothering him.

Jimin: Hmm probably, anyway maybe you should try and call him. He seems to be more happier around you.

Taehyung: We are going on hot chocolate today so we will talk.

Jimin: Oh ho, is that date? 😏

Taehyung: Whattt??? Of course not, just two friends hanging out.

Jimin: Yoongi and me was friends too and look at us now, we are boyfriends and happy together. Don't be afraid of your feelings.

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