Chapter 9

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So I woke up to find that I had a bit over 50 votes. Who did a happy dance?! I did!!!!!..... And fell off the bed in the process. Not one of my brightest moments. LOL. So I sitll know its not many votes compared to other books, but it still means a lot to me. So I'd like to thank all the people who have voted for this book. 


Also, some people don't like Noah. I know at the moment he's a bit of a douche, but underneath he has a heart, as I hope you'll come to find in this chapter. 

Hope you enjoy this chapter.




As soon as we arrived home from school I ran to the back of the pack house and stripped out of my clothes. I jumped into the air as I shifted into my wolf. I was like my mother. Except where her wolf was black with white paws, mine was white with black paws. Unusual, but that's how fate had it.

Running into the woods I felt free. The birds were singing above me and there was the occasional scurry of little paws on the earth below my feet. My bigger paws punded against the ground as I ran. I needed to clear my head and running was my escape.

A few minutes later another wolf was running beside me. I knew immediately that it was Noah. Even though my wolf was pretty large his was larger. His black wolf was nearly double the size as mine. 

**Mind if I join you?** He asked through the mind link. I didnt bother answering. He wouldnt leave if I said no, anyway. I picked up speed and darted around the trees in my way, knowing that he would be able to keep up with me, but he chose to hang back a bit. I could feel his gaze on my wolfs ass. 

**Stop looking at my ass!** I exclaimed. I could almost hear his chuckle through the link and I could picture the smirk that would be on his gorgeous face. 

**But I like your ass.** He came began to run beside me again. 

I rolled my eyes and stopped running when I reached my destination. I looked at the clearing. It  looked exactly as it had the first time I came here when I had been running away from rogues. It had became my thinking place over the days I'd spent here.

**Direct your eyes.** I told Noah.

**Directing eyes.** He replied. 

I shifted back into my human form and turned around to see him looking at me, back in his human form as well and I quickly turned back around, the speed almost giving me whiplash. 

"I told you to direct your eyes." 

"I did. I directed them at you." He said and I could tell he was smirking that annoying smirk of his. He walked closer to me and I freezed. We were both naked. In the woods. By a lake. Alone. I knew what I had to do now...

I ran and jumped into the ice cold lake. After a few seconds the cold was replaced with warmth as I felt a pressence behind me. Noah wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me to him.

Turning around in his arms, I looked up at him through my lashes. I could feel his hard manhood pressing agaisnt my thigh. I could tell he could feel my own arousal as he sucked in a sharp breath. 

Cupping my cheek with his hand he brushed my cheek in a gentle manner, before running his hands through my long wet hair. 

"So godamn beautiful." He whispered.

I blushed. I had never found myself pretty, I always felt like trash agaisnt other girls. I was nothing compared to Stephanie, Marlee and Mel. They were gorgeous with their nice bodies and everything. They had nice boobs, mine were puny. They had amazing curves. Yeah, I had a few. Their hair was nice, mine was always getting in the way. Their eyes always looked alive, mine looked dull. The only thing wrong with Stephanie and Marlee were that they acted like they ruled everyone. But, the thing I was jealous of most: they were experienced. 

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