Chapter 23

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Straight to the chapter again, because you guys deserve it. 

One thing though, this is dedicated to all my lovely readers. :)


(4and1/2 months later in Rj's POV)

Argh. It's been four and a half months and I look like a massive whale with my baby bump. Thanks to Moroccan oil, though, I had no stretch marks. I was sitting on the couch, cuddling with Noah when I started to get a pain in my stomach. 

Doubling over, I hold my stomach trying not to show the pain. I failed. 

"Angel? What's wrong?" His voice held a hint of worry. 

"I think the baby's coming." I force out. The pain momentarily gone. 

"Really?! Come on, let's get you the hospital." He says ushering me to the front door. 

"Stop walking so fast." I scold. "My feet hurt." I mumble. 

**Lucien, honey, could you please rush ahead to the hospital and get Elise. Tell her that the baby's coming. She'll know what I'm talking about.** I mind-link Lucien.

**Sure, thing, Luna.** He replies.

**Lucien, just because I'm Luna doesn't mean you have to constantly call me that. Remember, RJ will do.** I smile to myself. 

**Of course, RJ.**

"Radiance, come on." Noah says.

"Okay, okay." I mutter under my breath as I hop into the car. I watch out the window as Lucien speeds off on his motorbike. 

Starting the car, Noah pulls out away from the pack house as we make the long drive to the hospital. When we get there Elise and Lucien stand out at the front. Elise has a wheel chair in her hands. At least, one person was thinking, my feet were killing me. 

Carrying a baby inside of was hard work. Noah and I didn't know the gender yet. We wanted it to be a surprise. 

Elise took me straight to the labor room and got me to change into one of the hospital gowns. 

"Okay, Noah, I want you to hold her hand." Elise instructs as another round of contractions occur. 

"Okay, the contractions are getting closer together so the baby will be ready to come out soon." 

"It better be, these contractions are killing me." I look at Noah. 

Squeezing my hand he whispers, "I'm here. We'll get through this together." 

I place a quick kiss on his lips. "Yeah, but you got the easy part." I pout.

"You mean helping you through your hormonal state? That wasn't easy." He laughs.

"Shut--Ah." I exclaim as the contraction comes.

"Okay, Radiance. I want you to push now." Elise says.

I push. 

"Push harder." She says.

I grunt as I push harder. 

"Keep going dear, you're going well." She murmurs looking up at me. 

I keep pushing and after two more pushes she says that she sees the head. 

After six more pushes she holds the baby up in her arms. "Congratulations. You now have a baby boy." She says as she hands the baby to one of the other doctors in the room, so they can wash him up. 

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