Chapter 12

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A/N: I'm SO sorry to all my readers for not posting in a while. I've been really busy doing school work and I probably shouldn't really even be posting this chapter when I have other stuff to do. Sshhh.... dont tell anyone. ;)

This is dedicated to love5boys cause she is my bestie!!!! I love her. <333 love you babyy :))))))

So, hope you enjoy the chapter. Like promised, it's got Noah and RJ together in it.

READ ON......


Noah's POV

I sat out on my balcony, staring at the view of the woods. I didn't like how much time Radiance had been spending with other guys. She was my mate. I've been trying so hard to hold out on marking her, and it isnt easy. She constantly teases me with the sway of her curvy hips when she walk, the way she pouts her lips and rests her chin on her palm when she's thinking about something really thouroghly. 

How I would love to know exactly what she thinks about. I think. I know that I only found her a two weeks ago, but I can already tell I'm falling for her. I haven't looked at another girl since she came into my life. Except to tell Stephanie and her groupie that I didn't want them. I had my mate and that was enough. Even if I glance at a girl and she is beautiful I always end up comparing her beauty to my mate. And that's a beauty that no one can compare nor even come close to match.

The door opening to my room brought me out of my brooding state. I turned around to find Stephanie in nothing but lingerie and mentally gagged. I meant what I said when every girl became ugly in comparison to Radiance. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask her, not liking the look of lust in her eyes. I was only wearing boxers and my shirt and jeans were on the floor beside my bed. 

"What? No, 'hey, baby'?" She asks, pouting her lip. She walks up to me and presses herself against me as she trails a finger down my bare chest. 

I push her away. "Go away, Stephanie. I don't want you. I have my mate." I tell her.

She scowls, but replaces it with an evil smile. "She's not your mate, I am. I am going to be the future Alpha Female. We are perfect together. You have to admit that you love all the things I do to you." She purrs and it sounds disgusting coming from her mouth. 

"We have nothing. Don't fool yourself in thinking we do." 

She pushes me with all the strength she can muster and I fall on the bed. She climbs on top of me. Each thigh on either side of mine, lodging me in place. 

She leans down and trails kisses from my neck to my jaw, then down my chest. 

"Come on, baby. You know you want this." 

She reaches the top of my boxers. Pulling them down and getting her hand down there. 

I am about to shove her off when someone barges into the room. 

My mate.

(Radiance's POV)

A deep growl forms in the back of my throat as I look at the current position that my mate and Stephanie are in. Stephanie quickly hops up off of Noah's body but keeps a hold of him. 

I knew that he didnt want this, I could feel the disgust radiating off him before I barged into the room. What I didnt know was 1) why I could feel this and 2) why he hadnt shoved her off already. 

"Get off my fucken mate write now or I will tear you to shreds. I don't give a horses ass that you are part of my pack I will do it. I'm going to give you five seconds." I speak in a deadly tone. 

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