Chapter 13 part 2

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A/N: I decided that chap 13 was too small so I'm doing a part 2, but its still small. The second part is a few days later. The day they show their dance. 

101 VOTES!!!!!!!!! LOL!!! XD.




The next few days passed by without much going on. I had a few assignments for school that needed to be done so I did them over the week. I really hated history. I had a really annoying teacher who made us do 3000 word assignments that needed to be don't three days after she'd given them to us. I mean, come on, we do have a life. Plus, I had other things that needed to be done. 

Today we had dance and everyone would be showing the teachers their dances. Whoever had the best dance would be going into a competition and showing an actual judge their dance. The winners won half a grand each, not that Noah and I needed it. 

I felt the desire to dress up today and decided to wear black pumps, short shorts and a crop top. When I got downstairs Stephanie was sitting at the bench in the kitchen. 

"Who are you dressing up as today, skank?" She sneered from her spot at the bench.

"But sweetheart," I say sweetly with a smirk. "This is you." I do a little spin. 

She scowls and storms out of the room. 

Someone comes up behind me a wraps their arms around my waist. "Ready for today, love?" Noah's deep husky voice sends a shiver down my spine. 

"As ready as I'll ever be." I murmur. I was nervous. What if our dance wasn't good enough?

AS if reading my thoughts Noah replies. "Our dance is great, love. We'll smash this." He said with confidence. Cocky bastard. "Come on, have breakfast and then we'll go. I got to get there early. I'm meeting with the guys." By guys he meant the people on the basketball team, either that or the rugby team. He played basketball on Thursday nights and rugby on Friday nights. 

I had my breakfast and we left for school. When we arrived there were only a few people there. Lucien was with his mate who, after our talk, welcomed him with open arms. They were nearly fully mated. Lucien had marked her, but that was it. He said he wanted to wait until she was ready. 

If only it could be like that with Noah and I. But, it couldn't. Partly because Noah was Alpha and needed to be fully mated to me so he could be stronger and more capable of protecting the pack. The other reason was because after a while it got painful for us to not be fully mated. 

"We still have time." Noah whispered into my ear as we walked towards Bailey and Lucien. He was leaving me with them while he talked to the guys. I wasn't allowed because they would be talking about 'guy' stuff. 

"Hey guys," I said as I reached them. "What's up?" 

"Hey RJ," They said in unison. They turned to look at each other, giggled, then turned back to me with their faces flushed. They were so cute. 

"I'll see you in dance, 'kay?" Noah places a kiss on my left cheek before walking to his friends. 

"What was that about?"  Lucien asked, staring off to where Noah was giving the guys their man hugs. 

I shrugged. "Who knows." 

Noah had been acting funny lately. Ever since one night where he went out with a few friends. The other night he went to a 'friends' house to deal with 'pack business'. I didn't believe him. 1) Because all pack business was normally done IN the pack house. 2) If it's pack business shouldn't I be there? 3) He came home smelling like Stephanie. When I looked for Stephanie after Noah left, she was no where to be found.


I walked into the dance room and everyone was already there, even Noah. He had a girl slung over his shoulder and was running around the room with her hitting him and squealing to be let down. I scowled. What did he think he was doing? My scowl grew when I saw who it was hanging over his shoulder. 

I realised I was still holding the door to the dance room open. So what did I do? I slammed it closed, making myself known. 

Shocked by the sudden noise Noah dropped Stephanie and scrambled to help her up, while everyone else turned their frightened faces to me. Especially the werewolves. They knew not to mess with a pissed off Luna. When Noah had helped Stephanie up he turned to look at what had caused the noise. When he noticed it was me his eyes widened but he kept a hold of Stephanie's hand. Asshole. 

"Okay, we'll get straight to showing our dances. Stephanie and John. You two first." Mrs Stevens said. 

"Come on, John. Let's do this." Stephanie said out loud. *I'm going to beat your lazy ass* She said through the mind link. 

*That's what you think* I replied with a smile. 

Stephanie and John--mostly Stephanie--danced to 'Whip my Hair' by Willow Smith. Which was really amusing to watch with John doing the song as well. I laughed my ass off mentally. 

When they finished Stephanie had a smug look on her face. Did she really think that THAT was going to get her into the competition? I chuckled to myself.

When everyone but Noah and I had gone the teacher called us up. I put the CD in and pressed play. 

Noah I were both panting when we finished the dance. We're still in our last position and I'm looking into Noah's eyes. They have a new depth to them. Full of sadness and I didn't know why. What was he keeping from me?

"That was wonderful! I don't know about Mr Terrein here, but I think you two should be in the competition. That was beautiful. You could practically feel the passion radiating off you two. Thank you, Radiance and Noah." Mrs Stevens smiles. 

"I agree with Mrs Stevens'. Congratulations Radiance and Noah." Mr Terrein nods. 

"Please, call me RJ." I smile at them. I was so excited. 


There you go peeps. DANCE ON THE SIDE. I like it, but its okay if you dont. 

What did you think? Stephanie is really mean. :(

Let's just acknowledge how cute he is x 

Let's just acknowledge how cute he is x 

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Don't forget to VOTE. COMMENT. AND FAN. Especially if you're part of the ARMY. 

Love you, 


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