Chapter 25

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Credit for the new cover goes to i_like_kpop_so_what, I absolutely adore it so I hope y'all do too xx 


"Close you eyes, Angel." I shiver as his breath tickles my neck, but I do what he says. He places a blindfold over my eyes and nudges me into his car. 

"Where are we going?" I ask Noah as he puts the seat belt over my body, his hand brushing my breast as he does so. I suck in a breath as he stops for a second. 

Before I know it, his lips are on me and when he asks I don't stop his tongue from entering my mouth. I missed this. Missed him. I smile against his lips. 

It feels like we could kiss forever, but unfortunately, we have to breathe. When we separate Noah starts the car and I hear him start driving. 

After what feels like hours and me saying "Are we there yet?" a million times, Noah says we're here.

"Don't take the blindfold off, yet." He tells me. 

"Okay, okay. Mr Bossy Alpha." I grumble under my breath.

"I heard that." I could practically see him scowling at me. 

I chuckle. "Don't worry, I still love you. Even if you are 'Mr Bossy Alpha'." I smile. 

He slaps my ass. 

"Hmmm, maybe it should be, 'Mr Naughty Boss Alpha'?" I say, actually thinking about it.

"Whatever. Come here." He says.

"Umm... sorta can't see where you are..." I trail off. 

"Follow my voice." 

So I do. Walking forward I feel something soft sink between my toes since I was wearing sandals. I quickly recognised it as sand. 

"Keep walking." Noah's voice says, further away.

I walk forward heading towards his voice as he keeps calling out to me. 

"You found me." His breath tickles my neck as he says the words. 

He puts his hands on my waist and I feel them trail up my sides until they reach the blind fold. He undoes it and when he does I let out a shocked breath, my eyes going wide. 

It was beautiful.

"Not as beautiful as you, though. Nothing could ever compare to your beauty." I blush at his words. 

I look at the scenery before me. Rose petals were set around a blanket. On the blanket was food. There was a two muffins, a pizza and some fizzy drinks. 

When I turned around to face Noah I gasped in surprise. 

Down on one knee Noah looked up at me with hopeful eyes. "Radiance, you are my world, my life and when our babies are born, they will be as well. I know we've been through some tough times, but we got through it. I promised you that one day, I would ask you to marry me. This is that day. Radiance Jade Wilson, will you do me the honour of being my wife?" 

"Yes!' I squeal as I jump on him. We fall back in the sand together, laughing. Noah reaches up and places the few strands of hair that were in my face behind my ear. 

"I love you, Radiance." He smiles as he sits us up and places the ring on my finger.

"I love you, too, Noah." I smile back at him.

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