Chapter 10

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(RJ's POV)

The weekend went pretty quickly and I got to know more about Noah. I was curious as to why this Amanda chick was his worst regret, but I didn't want to ask him what happened. There were dancing trials today and I was going to try and get in. I have been dancing since I was five, I've always loved it. I was on the dance team at my old school and we had gone to competitions, I'd even won a few., but I still got really nervous. Sometimes we have to dance at the school basketball game on Saturday nights. As well as being captain for the football team, Noah was also captain for the basketball team as well. I had only found that out yesterday when I told him about wanting to join the dance team. 

Pushing the door to the gym open I walked in to see about fifteen girls standing and chatting, all wearin dance clothes. I was wearing a black top with pink writing that read: Dancing young wild and free. I wore pink tights underneath and my trainers. My black duffel bag with little neon peace signs was in my hand with water, a towel, a bar, and a few other things. 

Going into the splits I wonder why the girls aren't stretching, they are going to be hurting later. I stayed in the splits to do my arm stretches and waited for the dance captain. I almost choked when they walked in. 

"Okay, girls. I want you to line up while I tell you a bit about myself." Stephanie called as she walked in. "As many of you know, I am Stephanie. I have been dancing for five years..." 

I laughed. She's only been dancing for five years?I've been dancing for eleven and a half. I laughed again. 

"Is there something amusing?" Stephanie asks me and I realised everyone was looking at me as if I was crazy.

"Nope." I say popping the 'p'. "Nothing at all. But, are you the dance captain?"

"I will be. Now, as I was saying..." Stephanie spent half the lesson telling us about herself, I mean, who cares. I didn't think she was captain, normally they do this little thing to decide the captain. Thirty minutes into her talk the dance teacher walked in. 

"Hello, everybody. My name is Mrs Stevens and I am your dance teacher. I hope Miss Butcher is not rambling on about herself again..." Mrs Stevens. Snickers rang out through the gym. "Well, let's actually begin the trial... Let's head out side and do ten laps around the football oval." 

I happily headed outside and when Mrs Stevens told us to start running, I ran. The boys were on the field having football training and a they stopped to watch us. A few wolf whistles rang out before their coach told them to knock it off, but even then someone was always watching.

I spotted Noah and watched as he winked and waved at me. I waved back before turning back to face the track so I didnt fall. That would be embarrassing. I had passed some of the girls dragging behind on my seventh, eighth and ninth lap and was now sprinting my last lap.

I looked behind me to see Stephanie further behind me, it looked like Stephanie was tired already. I almost laughed at that. She was supposed to be good with agility because of the werewolf gene. 

I reached Mrs Stevens and she told me to drop down and do one hundred push ups and then one hundred sit ups. I mock saluted her before going down. I heard Mrs Stevens chuckle. 

I was on my eightyith sit up and the girls were on the ground just starting theirs when Mrs Steven told us to start the whole thing again.

"Wait--start again. Miss Butcher wasn't doing her push ups properly." 

The girls around me groaned. Most of them were human and only a few were werewolves. 

"No--make it two hundred of each now, unless you would like it to be four hundred each...?" Mrs Stevens said and no one dared to groan.

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