Bad Day at Black Rock (2)

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Bad Day at Black Rock (2)

Kylie's POV

The light breeze from the Buffalo air caused a shiver down my spine. I tightened my coat and leaned against the Impala waiting for Sam to come out with the keys to the storage place. 

I wondered what John kept in there and why he didn't let the boys in on it. Was there something so deep and dark in there that he didn't think we could handle it? Probably not but I knew that John liked to keep secrets. Hell, we spent a year looking for the man because he had so many.

The groan from the Impala door caused me to stiffen, heavy boots crunched against the gravel before the door shut. I didn't look in the direction of the rider knowing that this wasn't one of hidden secrets I was wondering about.

Dean came around to lean against the car next to me, he didn't say anything at first, just staring straight ahead at the building in front of us.

"What do you think is in there?" He asked softly, his voice unsteady.

"Honestly?" I glanced at Dean. "Who knows." I let out a light chuckle. "John kept so many damn secrets, I don't even have the slightest clue about what's in there." I admitted.

"Dad . . ." He trailed off pondering his words. "Dad, trusted you. He let you in on things that he didn't want Sam and I to know. I thought maybe he would've said something about this."

I let the corner of my mouth rise slightly. "You think he trusted me?" 

Dean gave a slight shrug of his shoulder, his hands shoved in his pockets. 

I shook my head in amusement. "John didn't trust me that much. He had two boys that he had no idea what to do with and I was there to listen to him. Why else do you think he kept me around?"

I watched his green eyes crinkle and his mouth dropped into a frown. "You think that's why we kept you around?" He questioned. "Kylie, sweetheart," my breath caught at his nickname, but I needed to stand strong, "you're family."

I bit my lip to try and hold back the laughter, but it quickly escaped, my hand going to my mouth as I giggled.

"What? What's so funny?" Dean asked, oblivious to the situation.

"P-Please," I stopped to try and control my laughter, "Please don't tell people we're family and past lovers."

Dean opened his mouth to speak, but only a spout of laughter came from his lips. "Bad enough Sammy tells everyone you're his sister." He teased, making me laugh even harder.

"Oh God." I placed a hand on my belly. "We're so messed up."

"Very." Dean agreed, our eyes meeting.

There was a twinkle of happiness in his eyes when looked at me. I don't know if it was from the dark humor we shared or the fact that we weren't screaming at each other for once. 


"Got it!" Sam called a pair of worn-out keys dangling from his fingers.

I gave Dean a small understanding smile before taking a step towards Sam. "Lead the way."

Sam surprised me when he reached a hand in my direction. "Come on." He grinned.

I let out a small awkward chuckle but grabbed his hand letting him guide me in the right direction. I took a chance to look over my shoulder, watching as Dean's once sparkling eyes became filled with confusion and hurt.

Sam led us into an elevator, crowding me in the back behind the two large Winchester men.

"Man . . ." Dean trailed as the machine we were in groaned.

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