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Narrator POV

Mr. Orellia looked over the amphitheater. An execution was taking place that day, a colorless has officially turned 18 and is now being publicly executed. Ms. Orellia couldn't afford to come look at the sight since she could go into labor at any minute.

"I hereby announce Laring Astrofield's execution to take place. Any last words?" the executioner's eyes glowed purple, a sign of him about to use dark magic.

"No. All I have to say is your hierarchy is stu-" his face was blown off of it's body that was tied to a pole.

Mr. Orellia looked sadly at the sight, disappointed that the world was was like this. Such beautiful eyes and powers used to kill and harm. He wonders if there'll ever be a day where everybody lives in harmony, colorless and the colorful.

Suddenly, his phone rang violently in his shirt pocket. He swiftly picked up the call that was made from Light of Revelation Hospital. The receptionist's voice was panicky and filled with stutters.

"Mr. Orellia your wife is giving birth right now! Please come over, your wife is pleading for you to be by her side when your child is birthed. Make haste!" the nurse stammered.

"Oh shit I'm on it! I'll be there in 5 minutes or less," Mr. Orellia ran down the space in the amphitheater and quickly got into his car, turning it on.

He drove out of the parking lot, pondering on how his beautiful baby is going to look. His mph quickly exceeded the speed limit, his car skidding with every sharp turn.

He turned into the parking lot of the hospital and didn't bother to park correctly, taking up two spaces at once. He didn't care about the fines he's gonna have to pay, he'll tank it all in order to be there for the birth of his baby.

He bursted through the door and ran straight to the room his wife was in. The receptionist ran after him, trying to get him to sign in first before anything else.

Soon, Mr. Orellia came through the white steel doors and there was a nurse helping Ms. Orellia push through with giving birth.

"Push! The baby's about to be delivered!" the nursed cheered, Ms. Orellia groaning with pain.

"You got this, once everything's over you'll have a child to take care of! Today's gonna be our most important day," Mr. Orellia knelt down beside the hospital bed, holding his wife's hand in his.

Within the next minute, a baby boy was in the nurse's arm, being cradled. The nurse handed the boy to Ms. Orellia, a smile growing in her face.

"What will you name him?" the nurse asked as she clapped her hands with a joyful smile.

"Odene, I want to name him Odene," Ms. Orellia's grin grew even more, excited to see what the color of his eyes will be when he opens them.

"Alright, I'm sorry Ms. Orellia but I have to take him to run a few tests real quick. It's just to make sure the delivering was smooth. It'll also figure out his eye color with the test, I'll be back in a few minutes with good news!" the nurse excused herself as Ms. Orellia handed her Odene.

"What do you Odene's eye color gonna be? I hope it's red like mine! He can be a flame user like me!" Mr. Orellia laughed as his wife side eyed him jokingly.

"Hah, you wish! He'll have blue eyes like me, I'll teach him how to control the waves! I'll make sure to make him splash you with water at the most inconvenient times like what I do," Ms. Orellia laughed even harder.

"Oh stop it! Stop daydreaming. In reality, he's probably going to have deep purple eyes, a mix of both our genes. Purple eyes are pretty rare nowadays, but maybe we'll be lucky!" Mr. Orellia kissed his wife on her forehead, changing looks that'll never been forgotten.

"Ms and Mr. Orellia, it looks like I don't have good news. The baby is healthy but his eyes, they're colorless. They're basic, black, which mean's he'll die within 18 years or less. I'm sorry. I'll leave you three to your solitude. Ms. Orellia, you'll be discharged as soon as you feel ready," the nurse quickly left the room, a single tear hit the floor made from Mr. Orellia.

The water splashed on the white flawless floor, fragments of it expanded further onto the floor. The water froze as Ms. Orellia wailed, her scream ringing through the soundproof room. The whole room grew ice near the corners, all exposed liquid froze over.

"No, it can't be. How did this happen?!" Ms. Orellia banged on the desk beside her, leaving a dent of ice on the wooden top.

"Lori, despite this we must promise to take care of him like no other. He's still our child, and we have to take care of him until he's 18," Mr. Orellia hugged his wife, her skin felt of ice.

"Vince, I really don't know. I'll take care of him but I can't believe this just happened. I don't want my first child to die!" Ms. Orellia screamed even louder, a cup of water on the desk crashed onto the ground, the liquid inside quickly freezing like a pond.

"It's gonna be okay. Everything's gonna turn out alright. Who said he has to die?" Mr. Orellia gave a troubling grin to his wife, her face disbelieved.

"You can't be hinting that you wanna break the law," Ms. Orellia turned her head sideways, her eyes opening wide. The tears in her eyes made it sparkle, like a fresh sunlight glaze over the ocean.

"That's exactly what I mean," he grinned mischievously.

"You know I could turn you in to the police with that statement right?" she chuckled, a small grin appearing on her face too.

"But you won't."

"Indeed, I never planned to."

Word count - 995

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