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Odene POV

I wanted to find out more about Marsia, it seems like there's much more to this than I thought. The thing is, how can I get her to spill her truths? I can't push further, that'd be invading business. I'll just wait until she willingly talks.

We didn't know where we're going. We just walked out of the alleyway, onto the trail, far out of view from enforcers. We didn't know what was beyond the trail, whether it was a dead end or not.

There was another wanted poster nailed to a pole. Instead, this wasn't just one person, it was a whole organization.

"The Outlaws, a group of people who are harboring the colorless. Contact authorities if you see anybody suspicious," it read. I ignored it, I don't need to seek refuge in wherever this place is.

"Now that everything's more calm, I should tell you more. You see, after mom got turned in by my dad, he turned alcoholic. He loved her, he just didn't want to break the law and harbor a colorless. Mom was one of the few colorless survivors that went past the age of 18, she died in the end anyway. Ever since that, dad has been treating me like crap. I have to feed him myself sometimes, other times I'd leave him to starve. I'm happy you came along, a colorless survivor, how long will you last though?" Marsia said the last sentence with a giggle, almost a mischievous one.

"That's interesting, your father is dumb and ignorant. I feel bad that you were ever in the same household as him. There's nothing interesting about me though, just a runaway," I kicked a pebble in my way, dirt rising up from the trail.

"Stop," I suddenly halted, Marsia coming to a stop too.

The trail has ended, it seems like it was just discontinued. Nobody worked further after this point, and I think I have a clue why. In front of me, was a ruins. White pillars have collapsed, pieces of concrete stuck from the floor, ashes, so many signs of destruction.

"What happened here?" I picked up a piece of the pillar, examining how it felt and looked. It might help me determine how long this has been decaying.

"I've read about this ruins, it was once the main city. The current main city, Astarea, holds the councilors. This fossilized ruins, is the city of Planateres," Marsia spoke, her words were definitely higher than average.

"How do you know about this stuff when I don't?" I turned around to look at her, she looked as graceful as ever.

"I read a lot of books, I like reading. It enhances by vocabulary, and I also get to learn more about the forgotten," she smiled and walked onto the grounds.

"If it was the main city, why is it in shambles now?" I asked, hoping she'd give me more answers again.

"A war," she paused. "A war broke out."

"How could that be?!" I ended up asking more, intrigued by this topic.

"The council leader, the mixed, ended up being too kind. She realized that killing the colorless was cruel and unjust, so she fought all 8 other council members at once. Not only did they not fight in open grounds, they fought at their own city with millions inhabiting it. In the end, the council leader was defeated due to the sheer numbers. The city was destroyed and forgotten, and so they created the new main city, Astarea," she seemed proud that she could recite such history events with ease.

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