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Odene POV

I kept my hand in the flowing water until it started to wrinkle. I stood up, a trail of water followed me as I walked. I think I have a good idea on how to get into the city. The city doesn't have walls around it, there's still open spaces. It's just that guards are patrolling every entrance. I think I can bypass everything though. If I successfully do this, I'll be the stuntman of the century.

The roads in and out of the city has a car gate, the long things that prevents cars from going in and out until they give papers. The tiny alleyways have 5 guards guarding it, there's close to no openings. Close.

There was a large tree, almost as large as an apartment building. If I can climb up the tree without getting noticed, I can get to the tallest point, balance on the branch that hangs over a balcony, and land on the balcony itself. The thing is, can the branch support my weight? I'd also have to jump a quite far distance.

Whatever, if I'm caught I'm dead. If I don't try and I stay out here, I'm dead. Either way I die, one just slower. I think I'd rather just go for it and risk it all.

I climbed from the back of the tree where the enforcers couldn't see me. The tree had sap on it, I don'y know if it helped me grip the tree better or just annoyed me. I pulled myself up on the first branch, it was strong and reliable. I crouched there for a few seconds, bouncing up and down a little bit to see how durable it was. After a few seconds, I continued.

One branch after the other, reach and pull. Some branches snapped, the sound was so loud that I thought enforcers heard it. It was just my imagination though, it really wasn't that loud.

Before I knew it, I was perching on the branch that drooped over the balcony. I took in a small breath and held it. I slowly stood up, balancing myself, making sure I don't fall. Despite the winter season, this tree looked pretty healthy.

I walked forward a bit, I was basically right above the enforcers now. If the branch decides to snap on me now, I'm gonna die from the enforcers magic or I'll die from the fall. Whichever comes first.

When I was nearing the tip of the branch, I decided to get a small running start to jump on the balcony successfully. I took a few steps back, readied my legs, then ran towards the balcony. As I was about to jump, the branch snapped.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion, the balcony neared me while I was falling, could I reach it? I grabbed for the barred balcony but my hands couldn't reach it and I missed.

As I was falling, I extended my legs further. My torso up has missed the balcony, but my legs quickly wrapped around the bar painfully. I dangled there, my face just above the enforcer's line of view. I pulled myself up agonizingly, my legs are definitely not the strongest part of my body.

I pulled myself up and squeezed my body through the small space in the bar. I had to suck in my stomach and twist some of my body parts in the weirdest positions. Eventually, I got through the hole except my whole body was in anguish.

I was gonna continue sulking and whining until I realized a girl was staring at me threw the balcony window. She was young, old enough yo understand and speak english, young enough to not know who colorless people are. I already committed murder, I really don't wanna add burglary on my list. This might be a little cruel but I'll do what I gotta do.

I beckoned the girl nearer to the locked glass. I signaled her to open the window, hoping she'll comply. I can't drop down onto the city yet, the enforcers would hear me make contact with the floor.

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