𝕸𝖆𝖝/𝕮𝖍𝖊𝖈𝖔. 𝕯𝖆𝖉 𝕸𝖆𝖝.

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Max stared at his son, Sergio jr. yes, Max had named his son after his son's father. Sergio Checo Perez. It had happened almost four years ago, Max had a one night stand with the Mexican driver. He was a stupid eighteen years old, who was too ignorant and to naïve at the time. Telling himself that he could sleep with the Mexican that was only with him to sleep with him.

Max didn't listen to his father back then, not believing that some men could get pregnant and he was sure as hell he wasn't one of those who could get pregnant. But boy was he wrong. It only took two months and Max was pregnant with the kid of Checo, the men had had fallen in love with over the time the Mexican was in formula 1.

Once Max found out he was pregnant, the first person he told was his mother. Who had held him when he broke down, too afraid to tell his father that he was one of those faggot men. Too woman for his father's liking. His father told him time after time that men that could bare children weren't real man.

The second person Max had told was Christian Horner, the man that was mad at him for being so stupid but once Max told him why he didn't do it safe and how naïve he actually was. Christian told Max to go to his trainer and let him pretend to put his leg in a cast as a so called sign that Max had broken his ankle badly and was needed to rest for a long while. They pretended that his ankle was not fully recovered.

In order to keep up the lie, he told no one on track that he was expecting. To afraid that Checo would find out and take his son away from him or tell him to abort it. Max moved back in with his mom to keep up the lie but also to have an excuse as to why he rarely was seen outside.

His father had reacted really badly to the news, pushing his son against a wall and shouted at the boy who was only nineteen at the time. His father later had hit him in the face and later pushed him of the stairs. Jos had angrily walked off, out of Max's apartment and that gave Max the opportunity to call his mom. Who told him to pack his bag quickly, go to the hospital to check on his baby and drive to her.

Max had spent the remaining seven months with his mom and sister. Who showered him in love and his trainer did yoga exercises rather than really train. Max was glad his mom, sister, his trainer and Christian had been there for him. Christian had promised the boy that once his maternity leave was over. He would still have his seat.

His pregnancy went really smoothly, he didn't get too sick, he didn't have any complications and once his ninth month mark hit, his little boy had been ready to come. His labour was painful but smooth and without any problems. He named his son Sergio jr. after his father. Even though the man that got him pregnant didn't know he was a father and went on with his life.

The baby would always come with Max to races, but he would never leave the drivers room. The team knew Max had brought the little boy in the world and was a proud dad. He didn't tell anyone who the dad of the kid was, he would always call his son Chico in front of the team. So to the team, Sergio jr. was chico, Spanish for kid.

The years went by and Sergio jr. never set foot outside of red bull hospitality. The boy never appeared in the press or in public, because to Max, the boy should grow up in a normal world. No pressure of press or people bothering him because his father was super young when he came along or the fact that his father would never talk about his dad. Well he would talk about the dad but he would never talk about what he looked like or what the father's name was.

Max had gotten really good at hiding his little Chico. He was super happy with how the team helped him and Sergio jr. in everything. Max was going on about his day like normal, he was ever the curious about his new team mate because red bull hadn't announced it even though it was just the last race.

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