𝕸𝖆𝖝/𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖊𝖑. 𝕾𝖎𝖈𝖐 𝕸𝖆𝖝.

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Max Verstappen/ Daniel Ricciardo.

Alpha/beta/omega dynamics


Daniel looks down at the sleeping boy in his arms, this was not how he had wanted the twenty twenty-one season to start. This was far from what he had expected this season to be like. Pushing his hand through the sweaty blond mop that was Max Verstappen's hair. The boy had woken up at an ungodly time in the night, throwing out his guts. For the sixth time this week.

If he thought hard and did a little calculation back, he quickly found out that the boy was not only sick at an awful time of the year. He had missed a heat to, which Daniel never would have paid attention to but seeming that in combination of Max being sick and had gained weight, which he would never tell the boy.

Daniel didn't know how to voice this out to the dutchman as he was in an intense battle with Lewis Hamilton. Max was loving the title fight with the Englishman. Finally being able to win the title. However if the omega was pregnant he would have to sit out for the remaining of the season. Even though he had won the Monaco grand prix about a week ago.

But the other reason to why he didn't want to voice out was in fear he would be wrong. He didn't want to give the dutchman false hope, he remembered how the dutchman had spoken about having kids. The excitement and enthusiasm that radiated of him, told him that having kids was more important than racing to Max.

In this very moment Daniel had wanted that he was the omega and Max the alpha. So that max could try to win the title this season and he could sit back and be pregnant. But life wanted Max to be the omega. Daniel huffed. If Max threw up tomorrow too, he would voice out his concern.


Max was rinsing his mouth, taking a look in the mirror. Sighing he looks at his reflection, he knows that there is something wrong with him but he is scared to face what it could be. In his mind he thinks that as long as this is the worst, then he should just suck it up and pretend that he is fine. As long as he is not to sick to drive.

As long as no one has noticed anything wrong about him, he can race and pretend that there is nothing. His eyes trail down his reflection, a pale and skinny boy is looking back at him, not recognizing himself in the mirror. Max thinks it's just a stomach bug, but for some reason he thinks it's not that either as his stomach has swollen. Gaining weight by what the scale tells him but his trainer telling him that he is losing body mass.

Unlocking the bathroom door, he walks to his side of the garage. He gets a face worried looks from his colleagues and mechanics as he passes them. He takes a breath as he walks passed Christian, giving him a concerned look. Grabbing his shoulder and pulling towards him, standing next to the pit wall.

"you look like a ghost." Christian points out, giving his driver a worried look.

"it's nothing." He says to him. casting a look at his feet as he feels the need to preform for his boos and father who is glaring at him from the garage.

"it doesn't look like nothing."

"don't worry, probably just some nerves." Max points out and goes to his car.

The world starts spinning around him as he tries to grab the first thing he can find. Which is his trainer, his knees buckle and almost collapses to the floor. A wave of nauseas hits him and almost throws up his guts for the fourth time in one day.

"sit down, mate" Bradley, Max's trainer said as he helped him sit on the slightly cold grass in the shadow.

Within seconds, Christian, Checo and Kimi appear around Max as they look at the sickly pale boy who looks a bit green. Breathing heavily as he feels dizzy, everything turning around him. Checo holds an iced water bottle out to Bradley as Kimi sits down next to him, pulling him in his side.

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