ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟡: 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕖𝕒𝕞

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Today is the day where we will be assigned teams huh...

I think things like that happend yesterday.

The Hokage's stone faces and that we had to do transformation just which I couldn't do.

Iruka-sensie said I wouldn't do it which was told by the Hokage because I told him something.

I began to think about Naruto and Boruto

To be honest...

The thing Naruto does and the things boruto does are quite the same.

The difference is that Naruto is trying to be appreciated by the village while Boruto is trying to get his dad's attention.

Quite somethings...

I entered the academy doors to see a few of them were already there.

I sat on my usual seat next to a cold-hearted towards others and nice towards me Sasuke.

"Good morning Nii-chan!" I said with the same greeting tone I use.

"Morning," he said his voice a little soft.

"Morning Akako-Chan!" Naruto said smiling widely and sitting on the right side towards me.

"Morning Naruto!" I said giving a small smile.

Then Shikamaru came and asked what Naruto was doing and other things happened while I wasn't paying attention.

I looked at Sasuke who was looking at the ground emotionless.

I was actually sad to see him cold-hearted...

He was so kind and nice before.

Full of happiness.

I know Itachi had his reasons and all but still...

It's just so sad seeing him like this.

Emotionless and cold-hearted.

Then Ino and Sakura barged in and started a fight over who was first and who was second.

I didn't pay attention until Sakura came running in our direction and threw Naruto to the side and started to look at Sasuke with hearts in her eyes.

I hate her...

I also hate the fangirls.

Some of them were glaring at me while I ignored them.

But then a smirk came on my face.

"Nii-chan can we eat lunch together after class?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"I don't mind." He said his eyes closed.

My smirk grew wider and as I turned around I saw all the fangirl tomato red with anger. 🤬

All of them then looked at Sasuke who has still his eyes closed.

"Sasuke-Kun can we come too?" Every fangirl asked together.

Sasuke opened his eyes and glared at them HARD.

"No." He said and then closed his eyes again.

I was holding the biggest laughter I had by fighting my lips.

The smirk on my face never left and now the angry girls were having a red angry face again.

Each one of them then glared at me.

Sasuke opened his eyes again and glared back at them for me.

I wonder if this is how you feel about having a brother... It's like... How can I say?

It's like having a person to love you and them being protective every time...

I actually like it.

I smiled slightly at him and then Naruto sat on the best glaring eyes at Sasuke.

I watched silently.

Then Naruto and Sasuke...

Smashed into each other because a boy pushed naruto.

My face was looking confused while my insides were laughing so hard.


Sitting on the chair was...

A beaten-up Naruto.

"As if today you are all ninjas. To get here you face difficult trials and hardship but that is nothing. What comes next will be far more difficult. Now you're only Gennin first level ninjas. All the Genin will be in a 3 man squad. Each equal will lead by a jounin an elite ninja."

Iruka started

Then both Ino and Sakura began to fight again over Sasuke.

"We want each squad to have a balance of strength and abilities. So that's how we set them up. I will now announce the squads."

Iruka explained about how they set up the squads.

"Sure to the odd numbers four students will be put in team 7. The Squad is... Naruto Uzumaki... Sakura Haruno... Sasuke Uchiha..."

Naruto beamed happily while Sakura said " we are doomed.

As Sasuke's name was said it went vice versa.

"Also... Akako Talen." He said

"Squad 8 Hinata Hyuuga... Kiba Inuzuka... Shino aburame..."

"Squad 9 Ino Yamanaka... Shikamaru Nara... Choji Akimichi..."

"Iruka Sensei why does a great ninja like me have to be in the same group with a slug-like Sasuke," Naruto shouted

"Hmm... Sasuke had the best scores out of all the graduating students. Naruto you had the worst scores." Everyone began to laugh.

"Just make sure you don't get in my way... Loser." Sasuke said

"Hey what did you say!" Naruto shouted again

"Hard of hearing?" Sasuke asked taunting.

Then... Everyone began to laugh again. "Knock it off Naruto sit down!" Sakura shouted at him.

"Ahem... After lunch, you will meet your new jounin teacher. Until then class dismissed."


After the whole Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura incident we went back to the class.

"Naruto just sit down!" Sakura shouted at him. "I don't want to! how come our teacher is the only one that is late! I'm ready to roll! believe it!"

"The other groups have already met their new teachers and took off on some adventure or something and Iruka-sensei is gone too!" Naruto exclaimed.

"We know okay!" Sakura said annoyed.

"Hey what are you doing!" Sakura asked as Naruto put the eraser on the door to prank the sensei.

"Naruto!" Sakura shouted.

"That's what he gets for coming late! Surprise!"

"You're asking for trouble you know you shouldn't do that!" She said.

"Hn. Our teacher is a jounin an elite ninja. Do you think he will fall for that?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah, Sasuke is right your so clueless Naruto!"

But then a hand grabbed the handle.

I quickly equipped a kunai and trowed it at the door.

Kakashi was about to walk in but stopped because of the kunai and it was stuck in the door.

The eraser fell without falling on Kakashi's head.

Naruto and Sakura gasped while Sasuke had his eyes on me.

"You could've hurt him with the kunai Akako!" Naruto shouted.

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