fun fair-

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Timothée's pov

It's been a while since I'd been home and I wanted to do something nice for y/n. So I bought tickets earlier something can to to a fun fair on the peer.

I love going to the fun fair. It's always so lively and it's good fun.

As I drove home I was already imagining the look on y/n's face. I hope she likes it.

Timothée:"bubs? Are you here?"

Y/n:" yeah I'm in the living room."

I hung my coat and my backpack on the wall and walked into to her.

y/n:" good day bub?"

Timothée:" yeah actually. I wanna show you what I bought earlier aswell."

Y/n:"ooooo......tell me. Tell me. Tell me."

I grabbed the tickets out of my coat pocket and walked back in.

Y/n:" you didn't?!"

Timothée:" I did."


Timothée:" I waited all week for the tickets to come back in. Everybody's been trying to get them."

She jumped up at me and wrapped her body around mine.

Y/n:" What time can we go?"

Timothée:" they're vip. So we can go at 5 and then we can stay there until 12."

Y/n:" really?"

Timothée:" yeah. We can stay there until it shuts if u want?"

She looks down at her watch unleashing from my embrace.

Y/n:" omg. Its 4:47! I've got to go and get ready."

Timothée:" take your time. We're in no rush."

Y/n:" we are though. I wanna go on all the rides before the night's out."

Timothée:" well alright then."

Y/n:" What are you standing around for? Come on!come and get ready!"

Timothée:" alright, alright!"

We went and raided our wardrobes for something to wear. I picked out some jeans and a baggy jumper and a couple of rings for accessories.

But y/n.....y/n looked beautiful. She wore a black dress and a denim jacket. And some sunglasses.

Y/n:"you ready to go?"

Timothée:" look beautiful, you know that?"

Her cheeks flourished with Ruby red and her smile light up the room.

Y/n:"no but seriously. We gotta go."

Timothée:"okay, do you want me to drive?"

Y/n:"yeah...cus I have no clue as to where I'm going."

I took her hand and we raced down to the car. As we hopped in, our hands linked again.

I'd found a new way to drive so that I could still hold her hand whilst changing the gears. So we started the car up, and headed down to the beach.

Timothée:"bubs? We're here."

Y/n:" yay. Come on. Come on. Come on."

Timothée:" hold on."

*inside the fun fair*

We split up for a moment. I played hook a duck. She went off and got some cotton candy.

I walk back over to her with a smile. Holding the bear I had won in front of me.
She placed her hand on my cheek and her lips locked with mine. Her lips tasted like strawberries. I think it might have been the cotton candy.

She took the Teddy and hugged it. She was happy and that's all that mattered.

Y/n:" can we go and the ferris wheel?"

Timothée:" yeah, come on."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the entrance. I'd never seen her this hyper before.

I hand the ticket to the security guard. The cart comes down and she's dragging me to the cart.

As I seat myself down I glance at her and smile at the thought of her happiness.

She looks at me and our hands lock. For a moment I returned a kiss passionately, her arms wrapped around my neck. I felt as though I should never let go.


Timothée:" yeah bub?"

Y/n:" I love you."

Timothée:" I love you too. More than u realise."

Y/n:" thank you for bring me here. It's beautiful."

Timothée:" anything for you."

She leaned up against me and I wrapped my arms around her. I loved her. More than life itself. I wouldn't want to miss a thing. For She is my life and I am hers.

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