we go to the same school-

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I was an art student. He was a drama student. How did we meet you ask? Well, If I told you, you wouldn't believe me. If I told you, you'd think it was stupid. But here I am telling you this story.

It was year 10, we'd picked our gcse subjects. I picked art, he picked drama. We were science lab mates. We worked as partners. Before then we'd never spoke. But here it is, starting with a note.

My note to him:


His reply:


Timothée.Timothée chalamet. What's yours?

Y/n. Y/n y/l/n.

Is it just me or does this lesson kinda blow?

You're not the only one.

What lesson's do u have later?

Art, history and textiles.

Are those the lesson's You're taking for gcse?

Yeah. What about you?

I'm a drama kid. So I have drama, English and maths.

Are you very theatrical then?

People say its just a chore going to that class, but I take it very seriously.

So are you hoping to get a career out of it?

I hope so. I want to be an actor but I have to pass my gsce's first. What about you? What are you hoping to get out of your option?

I'd like to be an artist. But I also want to study sewing and stuff like that. So I'm hoping for a job in between the two.

But before we could write anymore, the paper had been filled up. Our conversation had entirely flooded the piece of paper.

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