SH awareness-

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I have been doing it for around 2-3 months, I'm not at all proud of it. But I unfortunately have to put up with people that put me down or joke about this matter like it's funny.

A girl in my friend group recently opened up about it, and a bit before that, I did the same. Everyone made sure I was alright and tried to help me out. But the girl that had opened up about it, talks about it all the time, like its for attention. Now, I'm not saying that she doesn't do it, but she tries to make it clear to everyone that she supposedly does it.

And on the last day of school (yesterday), she had decided to ramble on about self harm. So I decided to confront her in order to get her to stop attention seeking. When I did so, she went silent and so did everyone else.

I can personally say that nothing in my time of doing SH has annoyed me more than this. So I'd just like to say, for any of my mates from my school that read this, please don't be the person who just sits there and accepts the conversation. Because it doesn't help me or any of those people who do it.

I also recently wrote a chapter from my timmy imagines, as to what I go through and how that character/ personality would react to what the main character does. This was just for awareness and how you can show that person that you'll always help them through whatever they're going through.

Coping mechanisms:

. The rubber band method- 2/10, doesn't really help me at all because it encourages me to do it. you take a rubber band and snap it onto your wrists and it's suppose to make you feel the pain like you've just harmed. But for this doesn't work.

. Relaxing methods- 6/10, can relieve your stress and can help you control how often you do it.

. Walking methods- 8/10, helps me a lot and helps me to calm myself when I become stressed and anxious. Take long walks and listen to music to relax your mind.

. Book method- 7/10, helps take my mind of it and helps me to calm down when I need to. Read one of your favourite books and let your imagination run free whilst reading.

. Journal method- 9/10, helpful if you need to express your feelings but feel like you can't talk to someone about it. Write your emotions into a journal showing how your feeling on a scale of one to ten.

. Talking method- 3/10, it might help others but it doesn't work for me. When people talk to me about it, it makes me feel uncomfortable and guilty.

. Music method- 10/10, for me this is an absolute life saver. It helps me relax and express myself through listening to music.

. Creativity methods- 6/10, I'm creative as it comes, but this one can help you if you want to share your emotion through your work.

. The plate method- 8/10, helps relieve stress, however, the effect doesn't last long. Take a plate, cover it in emotional phrases, words and quotes and break it. This can help you feel like the weight has been lifted from off of your shoulders.

. The pinching method- 1/10, for me this does not work at all and is rather useless.

. The red line method- 4/10, for me this doesn't exactly help but can for you. You paint red lines across where you SH, so you can see what you're doing to yourself and imagine it.

. Water method- 0/10, you basically run the area you SH on under hot or cold water. It's suppose to prevent you from doing it, but for me it doesn't work.

. The fidget method-6/10, fidget with something to take your mind off of it, utterly has helped me before but doesn't do that much for me.

Those are all the ones I could find, I have tried a lot of them but none of them seemed to make much of a difference. I'm always here for support if u need someone to talk to about it. And I will usually answer straight away if you need to talk to someone immediately.

Stay safe everybody xxx

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