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"Jetta, why don't we go back to the Resistance base?" Zors suggested, sitting in his usual seat on the Revenant.

"It seems to risky, Zors," I answered, pulling us out of light speed. "And I don't think I'm ready to see-" my voice began to break as I thought of little Jango. He would never know his father, just like me. Zors stood up, walked behind me, and wrapped his arms around me.

"Zors, please, don't."

"I'm sorry, Jett," he said, releasing me. He sat back down and sighed, looking at the control panel of the Revenant.

"What's bothering you?" I asked, bringing the ship closer to the planet's atmosphere.

"Nothing," he lied. I looked at him with doubt.

"You want to go back to Ajan Kloss, don't you?"

"Maybe," he said meekly, as if he were a small child. I sighed, steering the ship away from Coruscant and entering the coordinates of Ajan Kloss into the ship.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," I muttered, putting the ship back into hyperdrive.

"Jetta-," Zors began, but he stopped and awkwardly looked away.

"Zors, just ask me anything, please. How much more can I be hurt?"

"Jetta, why didn't you tell me about you and Hux?"

In all honesty, I had no idea. I just kept it a secret for the longest time; I never thought it was important. I never told anyone affiliated with the First Order because of, well, reasons. But why I never said a thing to Zors, I don't know.

"I don't know, Zors."


I thought of something else to change the subject.

"Zors, you've been my closest friend. You've always been by my side, even when I was being stubborn," I said. "I genuinely don't deserve you."

"Pfft, right," Zors smiled. I never realized how adorable he was when he smiled. It was as if he were the brother I never had.

I had always looked at the galaxy through my helmet, never through my own eyes. I recalled what Rosemary asked me, the question about why I had become a bounty hunter. At the time, I told her I didn't know. But then I had realized it was out of spite. I didn't love it at all. When I became a Mandalorian, I became a slave to my work. I was always jumping from planet to planet.

That's when I realized something: if I hadn't become a bounty hunter, I would have never met Zors, Poe, or Armitage. I would have never found Rosemary and I wouldn't have had Jango. Maybe it was for the best. Maybe... Maybe the force was guiding me.

No. I brushed the thought far from my mind and refocused on my destination. Ajan Kloss was coming up, so I prepared to take the ship out of light speed.

"Rosemary will be happy to see you," Zors said. I nodded as the planet came into view. I directed the ship to the planet's surface; I landed it in the same spot I had left from. I lowered the ramp and Zors quickly left the ship. Rosemary saw us and came running up to him.

"Hey, little one!" Zors said, happily picking her up and spinning her around. She looked happy; happier than I had ever seen her. I stood at the top of the ramp and looked down at the reunion. A younger woman ran up to Zors and hugged him when he put Rosemary down. She was smaller than him and she had blonde hair. She was rather cute. Zors turned around and I winked at him. He blushed and walked away with Rosemary and the young woman. I followed from afar, wanting to see General Organa. However, I ran into Maz first. She took one look at me, and it was obvious she knew.

"Oh, child, I am sorry," she said. I knelt down and hugged her. She rubbed my back and whispered into my ear, "I'll help you with him, if you'd like." I nodded, trying to hold back my tears. We walked back to the Revenant and I carried Armitage's wrapped body out of the ship. T3 had wrapped his body in a blanket for me so I wouldn't have to see him.

"Would you like me to accompany you?" He asked. I shook my head, smiling at him.

"Very well. I shall be here if you need me," he said.

"Thank you, T3," I said, leaving the ship. Maz escorted me deep into the forest, away from the resistance base. After a long walk, Maz found a spot for him. It was surrounded by tall, dark trees and pansies. I always joked around with Armitage about pansies. He said that it was his favorite flower one time and I never shut up about it.

About an hour later, Maz and I slowly walked back to the resistance base.

"How is Jango?" I asked her.

"He is very well. He will grow to do great things, Jetta."

I smiled. I couldn't wait to hold him again.

"Jetta, I must know something."


"Have you accepted the fact that you possess the powers of the force?"

"Maz, I don't know what to accept anymore. I don't know what is real and what isn't. I'm starting to believe that maybe it does exist."

"I can feel it coursing through your body. You're more powerful than you know. If you accept it, then one day, even you may become a Jedi."

"I doubt that, Maz," I said awkwardly, trying to shift the conversation to something else. "Is Rosemary alright?"

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" She said, looking straight ahead. Rosemary was standing at the edge of the forest, looking down. I smiled when I first saw her, but it soon faded. Something was wrong. I ran up to her and knelt beside her; she was crying.

"Rose, what's wrong?" I asked quickly, putting an arm around her.

"It's General Organa. She's gone."

"Gone? What? You don't mean dead, do you?" I asked. Leia was my only hope of redemption; I couldn't have her dead too. But what I feared as confirmed when Rosemary nodded. Maz came up from behind us.

"It was time for her to go," she said calmly, no hint of mourning in her voice. "Come, let is go."

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