Requests are open!!

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Hello fellow simps! Here you can request whatever you're little heart desires. I can do character x character or character x reader or even a poly relationship with two characters and a reader. I am most familiar with female and Non-Binary pronouns but I can try my best with male pronouns as well. 

I mostly write fluffy shit so if you request any angst it might take awhile for me to get to it, though it will get done eventually. 

As for smut. I like to think that I'm a pretty open person when it comes to kinks, however if you request anything that I am uncomfortable with just know that I will not write it and I will let you know that. 

Honestly most of this book will probably be just Kili and Legolas, though I will try and incorporate others as well. 

If you have any questions, please message me and I'll be happy to answer them. 

Enjoy your reading. :) :) :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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