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By the time Sunghoon finished showering and wear something cozy, he headed downstairs to Inyoung. With feelings butterflies around him, he gently knock the door feeling so excited to know what's Inyoung going to tell him.

“A minute!” Inyoung states, causing Sunghoon to chuckles. Minutes later, she came out while putting her hair into a messy high bun.

“Shall we talk upstairs? We can chill out at the balcony,” Sunghoon suggested, it took her to agreed and then both of them headed upstairs.

It first it was so awkward for both of them to speak up but to think about it, they're quite close to each others. Inyoung huffed the air, suddenly feeling a little cold. Sunghoon noticed that and he immediately went inside his house taking his blanket.

“Here, use this. It's a little cold up here,” Sunghoon said, helping Inyoung with the blanket and he wrapped it around Inyoung's tiny figure.

“I can't be the one who use it. Let's share,” Inyoung said and obviously Sunghoon couldn't even argue her back. The moment she put the blanket on Sunghoon, her face was so close to him. His heart was beating like crazy.

“There. No one will get cold,” her little giggles melt Sunghoon. He admitted, his feelings for Inyoung became a lot more stronger than before. He loves having her by his side, half of him feels complete.

Both of them shut their mouth as they watch the sky that is full of stars. Sunghoon look at Inyoung who was adoring the night sky. Even herself is more prettier than the night sky.

“I feel like I'm going to disappear anytime soon.” she started.

Sunghoon's eyes never left Inyoung. He didn't know how to react but he's not surprised. He know that somehow Inyoung will mention about it because her face told him everything.

“You probably thinks I'm out of my mind, right?” Inyoung chuckles. Despite for being a little sad knowing that she'll leaving Sunghoon anything soon, she still manage to joking around.

“I'm not.” Inyoung was shocked enough to heard what Sunghoon had said to her. Judging by his expression, he's serious.

“Inyoung, I've been trying to accept everything lately.  You know.. about you saying that you're not real at all.” he said. God, that hurts Inyoung so much. They're the real definition of right person at the wrong time.

“Even if you're not real, I'm really thankful that I got to meet someone like you. Your existence somehow makes me happy, Inyoung.”

Inyoung couldn't help to look away, knowing that she might cry anytime soon. She's not ready to leave Sunghoon but she knows that the time will come. Sunghoon is not real to her and her existence is not real to Sunghoon either.

“You are the reason why I woke up everyday. Just want to see you.” he stated, holding on Inyoung's hand. He squeeze it since he felt that her hand were cold.

“Can I know the whole story?” Sunghoon asked. Maybe that is his only chance to know the story about how she ended up in his world. Kind of unbelievable and nonsense but he know something happened with it owns reason.

Sunghoon keep on looking at Inyoung. She then took out something from her pocket and handing it to Sunghoon. It was the watch.

“I found this watch at the bus stop when I was waiting for the bus to go to the school with my cousin, Darrell.” she started, looking up at the sky. Gosh, half of her is missing Darrell.

“I was so curious about this watch. Nothing seems so suspicious about it but then I tried to change the date and year,” Inyoung paused, glancing back at Sunghoon who was listening to him while his eyes never left the watch.

“Of course it didn't even change and I thought it was broken at first. That time, I was feeling so sleeping since I did my homework last minute, so I said to Darrell that I'm going to take a quick nap before the class starts,” she continued, earning a nod on her every sentences.

“When I woke up, I was still on my classroom but I then met you. No one else but you.” Inyoung said, smiling at Sunghoon.

“Back then I was kind of cold, huh? I can't believe I kicked you out of the classroom.” Sunghoon chuckles causing Inyoung to let out a short giggles.

“But why did it stuck at number 3?”

“Maybe it says I have 3 days left before I go back to my own world?” when Inyoung said that, Sunghoon felt uneasy. It doesn't makes sense at all, the grips on Inyoung's tighten as he didn't want any of these happens.

He just want to spend his whole life with Inyoung. Is that too much to ask?

“Park Sunghoon. If it's really says 3 days, would you let me love you for only 3 days?”

That supposed to make him the most happiest person ever but his heart dropped at how sad it her voice was. She flashes him a smile that really obvious that she's hurting by her own words.

“Listen, I don't want only 3 days. I want it to be forever, Inyoung. I love you, I really do. Please just stop saying these nonsense things,” he begged, never letting go of her hands.

Inyoung was surprised. She was the only who promised herself to confess her feelings yet Sunghoon was the one who really confessed.

“You know that won't be happening, Sunghoon. We do have the same feelings for each others but let's just do it only for 3 days.” Inyoung said, finally letting go of Sunghoon's hand and cupped his face, slightly caressing his cheeks.

“Forget about everything and let's just focus on us. Whatever happens, I will always love you.” Inyoung admitted, feeling a little bit better because she have Sunghoon now.

“Forget about the 3 days. We will be forever, Inyoung.” Sunghoon argues, hugging Inyoung as he pulled her closer to him. Inyoung says nothing but chuckles, he's adorable.

“I love you,” he said again. Saying I love you to Inyoung may not be enough for him because he love her to death. The feelings was so unusal to him.

“Me too,” she giggles. She can't even believe that she's Sunghoon's girlfriend now. It doesn't even feel so real maybe because they didn't confessed to each others like how people usually did.

“Let's say if I disappear and didn't get to say I love you for the last time, please know that I will always have the same feeling for you, Park Sunghoon.”

“Me too, who know all of these are just your dreams.”

“About your figure skating, why did you said it's your last?” that question made him sighed. Sunghoon pulled her a little bit closer to her as she sniffed, feeling the coldness on her.

“I don't know, I think it's better for me to stop doing figure skating.” Sunghoon shrugged but Inyoung completely didn't agree at how he think it's better for him to step back from figure skating.

“Don't say that-”

“I did a great job, isn't it? Doesn't that mean I can spend more time with you and not worrying about practices?”

“You did let go of figure skating but do your heart completely let go of it?”

Right, she does have her point. Sunghoon did figure skating for years and he decided to stop doing it. Want it or not, Sunghoon still keeping his decision to leave figure skating.

“Nah, just forget about it. You're my priority now.”

That made her felt butterflies were all around her. Gosh, how is she going to accept everything when she suddenly go back to her world?

3 days. . please make those 3 days with full of happiness.

Author's note:

hi everyone! this book will come to it's end! few chapters left hehe,, do you have any idea about the ending? is it a happy or sad ending? let me know!! 🥺

- F4IRYJ4Y -

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