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- Day 3 -

“Park Sunghoon!”

Inyoung sighed, blowing her lips as she glared at Sunghoon's place. She waited him for minutes and he still haven't show up. There, she stomped her feet as she climbed up the stairs. Even herself didn't spend that much time for getting ready.

She glared at Sunghoon's door, knocking it. Minutes after that, Sunghoon shows up smiling towards Inyoung as if nothing happened.

“Woah- what's with that face..?” Sunghoon asked, completely have no idea why Inyoung looks so sulking. That makes him pulled Inyoung into his embrace. He can't even hide his smile, guess that he's so in love.

“You told me to wait for you. What takes you so long to get ready?” she asked, pouting. Her eyes never left Sunghoon who was now chuckling.

“I did say that but I didn't say the exact time,”

Receiving a pinch on his side of body makes him giggles, he tighten his hands around Inyoung's small figure. He's happy, he really is. Eventhough he know he will never feel the same feeling again.

“Here, wear this scarf. It's cold,” Sunghoon wrapped the scarf around Inyoung's neck, it's slightly covered her mouth since the scarf was too big for her. Sunghoon chuckles, put it neatly on her.

“I made this, just for you. You know, for you to not catch cold but catch my heart instead,”

Inyoung's eyes widened in disbelief at Sunghoon's sudden pick up lines. She blow her cheeks, feeling so shy all of sudden. Sunghoon giggles, pinching her small nose in return.

“Where are we going anyway?” she asked, holding on Sunghoon's hand tight. He then hummed, acting like he's still thinking about where they're going.

“To the place I love the most. That could make me happy since I'm going with you.” a simple word yet that has so many impact towards Inyoung's heart. He's so sincere on how he's feeling towards her.

“Let me guess, the library..?”

The disappointed on Sunghoon's face made Inyoung bursts into her laughter. She giggles at the end of it as she hugged Sunghoon.

“What kind of date is that? Reading books while.. dating?”

“Exactly, you better not studying today. Takecare of your health too,” Inyoung laughs caressing Sunghoon's hair as shs tiptoeing.

“Now let's go!” Sunghoon held her hand perfectly causing her to feel the unfamiliar feeling again and she feels so happy whenever she's with Sunghoon.

Inyoung will put that topic aside since she just want to spend her 3 days left with Sunghoon. She just pretend that she's really exist in Sunghoon's life. That's what she's want. It's true that it's actually 3 days left for her to stay at the year 1991 because the watch was perfectly and weirdly working.

With Sunghoon who never let go of her hand, really made her guilty. What will happen to Sunghoon if she's gone from his life?

But all of those stuff of her mind is just nonsense. In Sunghoon's life, she's unreal while in Inyoung's life, Sunghoon is unreal. Both parties will eventually feel the same way.

“What's wrong? Is everything thing okay?” he asked when he realised that Inyoung has been quiet ever since they reached the bus stop. She was staring at their hands and Sunghoon obviously know the reason.

Ever since she said that she wants to be with him for exactly three days, she has been spacing out. Probably something about it bothering her mind. Sure, Sunghoon did think about the same thing but all he want was to be with her.

To be happier with her. Oh, that's what he want. Other than that, he'll face the consequences. Even if it's hurt.

“Nothing,” she let out an awkward laugh.

“Hey, listen. Forget about everything and let's be happy today. It's just me and you.” Sunghoon said as he put his hands on Inyoung's shoulders, making her to face him.

“That's all I want. Can we do that?” the tone on Sunghoon's voice somehow made her upset. It breaks her heart so damn much. How can he be that calm when Inyoung felt a little bit more broken inside.

“Fine,” she said, holding on his hand tightly. The proud smile that Sunghoon flashes her is so adorable. Nothing made him smile like that before.

Minutes of the bus ride, they just couldn't let go of each others. They're just seems so in love that there's some elders said that they're adorable and looks so cute together.

“Oh come on! It's hard for me to walk, so please just let me see where we're going,” Inyoung said touching on Sunghoon's hand that was on her eyes. He couldn't help to chuckles as he enjoy seeing her struggling.

“A little bit more then you can see it,” he stated. Sunghoon smiles getting wide and wider as he couldn't wait to spend his day with Inyoung.

“Now open you eyes! Ta-da~”

She squealed, covering her mouth as she gasps, “Ice rink? No way!”

She excitedly walked towards the wall around the ice rink. Ever since she watched Sunghoon's last ice skating competition, she wanted to at least try skating once. Inyoung can't even believe that Sunghoon brings her to the ice rink as their first date.

“I wanted to end my figure skating career with you. So this will be the last day I'm standing on this ice rink,” Sunghoon winks, taking her hand as they made their way to change their shoes.

“But what if I fall?” Inyoung asked, pursing her lips.

“Hold my hand, we'll skate together,” he replied, fixing on Inyoung's shoelaces and then he help Inyoung with the knees and elbow pads. Lastly he helped her with the safety helmet.

“But what if I want to watch you skate again? Will you do it?” she asked, holding on Sunghoon's hand as they got into the ice rink. It was just the two of them and that's what Sunghoon want.

“Sure, anything for you but let me help you first. I can't let you fall, it's dangerous,” she chuckles at how protective he was. Sunghoon meant it since he has been fall numerous times and it's hurt so bad.

They skates slowly and Sunghoon couldn't help to laugh everytime Inyoung complained that it was hard for her to walk on the ice. No wonder people say that ice skating is hard but not for Sunghoon.

Ice rink is like his second house. He practice really hard to win every competition and he became more friendly to the ice rink. He fell so many times and that didn't make him stop instead it made him a lot more stronger to practice hard.

“Shall I skate for you, princess?”

Inyoung chuckles, nodded excitedly and minute after that Sunghoon helped her to get off the ice rink. She's watching Sunghoon from outside the rink since he said that she might slips if she keep on moving around.

“Ice prince! I'm so proud of you and you will always be the best figure skater I've ever known!” Inyoung shouted, with a proud smile on her face. She waves her hands at Sunghoon.

Little that she know that it has a huge impact on Sunghoon. Inyoung was the first ever person to say that to him; about how proud she is. Leaving figure skating for good and that's where he realised that he made a good decision.

“I love you!” she shouted again. Seeing her excited when he started to skates really warms his heart. He never seen someone so happy to see him doing ice skating; not even his parents.

“I love you too!”

Ice rink used to be my other half but now that I have Inyoung, she really complete the other half of me where I felt so empty.

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