Chapter 1 - Run

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Y/N continues to run through the forest breathing heavily as he takes cover behind one of the trees. The tall dark brown roots coming out of the ground into the base of the tree, dark green vines wrapped tightly around the tree, with some more hanging down from the branches high up in the sky. Y/N rests his head back against the tree, his hair spreading slightly moving as he breathes heavily before putting his hands on his knees and bending down still breathing heavily he wiped the sweat from his brow using his right hand, he flicks his hand the sweat sparking the ground below, he wiped his hands on his dirty blue jeans drying his hand the best he can. The forest totally quiets apart from Y/N's heavy and quick breathing as he tries to catch his breath, the forest normally full of Digimon all going about their business, but even they knew to hide from this threat. Y/N straightens himself out against the tree, knowing he can't afford it to rest any longer and just with that thought he hears a deep sinister voice from above "supreme cannon!"

Y/N could hear the sound of the charge coming from the cannon and quickly dives to the right hitting the ground as a black ball of frozen energy shoots down from the sky, hitting the ground. He covers his ears with his hands and tries to hide his face from the debris that the blast caused, pieces of dirt, wood, and vines fly everywhere covering him and the surrounding area. He takes his hands off of his ears and looks back, a few moments ago he was surrounded by trees, now to his left he saw nothing but the crater that the blast caused. He looks forward and tries to scurry back to his feet, his hands on the ground helping to push himself up his feet slipping, in all the debris before he manages to get back to his feet into a run.

He continues to run through the dense forest, avoiding the more open dirt path, jumping over tree roots, vines, dodging trees In front of him, the broken branches on the groundbreaking under his feet. He hears another "supreme cannon!!" Booming from the sky above, before hearing it being fired and hitting the forest behind him. He doesn't look back and just keeps moving forward trying to increase his pace, the best that he can. The crashing of falling trees, being heard behind him along with the other debris showering down. The trees in front of him start to thin out as he comes closer to the edge of the forest, the sound of running water can be heard, getting louder and louder the closer he gets to the opening. The sound of his feet hitting the ground becomes louder as the grass and mud under his feet change into harder rocks. He breaks out of the forests and his eyes widen as he comes to a sliding halt, dust slowly stars rising up from the ground from where he slid. Still breathing heavily he looks over the edge of the cliff, he gulps as he sees the 100ft fall into the river below. He looks back to the forest he'd just came through, knowing that he was running out of time to make a decision, he slowly looks up above the treetops, gritting his teeth as he sees the Digimon that had been trying to kill him, Omni Zwart.

A once holy Digimon, a knight of the digital world, corrupted by a Black Digitron, a virus with an unknown cause. The target of the virus was random, no-one in the digital world had figured out the cause of the virus. All they knew was that any Digimon affected with it would become more powerful than before and have an unending aim for destruction and despair. For some reason, Y/N had become more of a target for these dark Digimon. He left any sort of civilization that the digital world had in order to protect those who stay there.

Omni Zwart throws out his left hand, the head of wargreymon where a hand should be, Y/N eyes widen as he knows what happens next. He hears the metallic clang as Omni Zwart extends the sword, from the mouth of the wargreymon. Y/N doesn't take his eyes off of Omni Zwart, as he slowly moves back to the cliff edge, he knows how quickly Omni Zwart can move if he doesn't time this next move right, it'll be the end.

Omni Zwart moves like a speeding bullet, his sword out in front of him aiming directly where Y/N stood.

Y/N quickly jumps back as the sword crunches through the ground, breaking the dirt and rocks, crumbling under the impact of this the area in front of the sword starts falling away from the cliff. Y/N had a great view of the falling rocks quickly catching up to him as he falls. Y/N manages to turn himself to face the fast approaching water. The air rushing past him as he falls, struggling to keep his eyes open with how quick he is falling, with his blurred vision he can just make out he's getting closer to the water. Closing his eyes he extends his hands in front of him trying to position himself in a diving position as he hits the water a thud, splashing water up all around where he had hit.

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