Chapter 3

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Y/N groans and rolls over as the sun shines into the cave, it takes a moment for him to realize it was even the daylight that was disturbing his sleep. He slowly sat up as he rubs his nearly closed eyes, his eyes struggling to open much more as they try and adjust to the sunlight. It doesn’t take long for Y/N's eyes to readjust and he looks over to Gabumon, who's already sitting their patiently waiting for Y/N to walk up. Before Y/N even gets to say morning to Gabumon his stomach makes a loud and low rumbling sound " really should've eaten something last night" rubbing his stomach slightly " Morning Gabumon" Y/N says standing up and stretching.
Gabumon looks over and smiles at Y/N as he stands up " let's go and get breakfast" Gabumon was just as hungry as Y/N, the food choices were definitely more limited when you were scavenging compared to what it was back in the Digi village. But you both made do the best you could. Making your way towards the entrance of the cave, you look around cautiously to make sure the coast was clear to leave the cave. Not hearing or seeing any sign of any other Digimon you and Gabumon both leave the cave and start looking for some food.

Wandering through the quiet forest and not running for your life, a slight smile comes across Y/N's face as he sees the beauty once more. It was something he liked to remind himself, no matter how dangerous or deadly this world was it was beautiful when it was peaceful. At all this time Y/N is nearly as good as Gabumon about knowing which fruits are safe to eat and which to avoid unless you are wanting to have a bad time of it you know all too well how unpleasant eating the wrong berry can be for your health. You both start taking the fruit off of a small cherry bush, they tasted exactly the same as a cherry would in the real world apart from all of these cherries are sweet, Y/N didn't mind too much although he did miss the variety of tastes.

Y/N's eyes go wide as he hears a twig being broken behind himself and Gabumon, he quickly ducks down, trying to use the bush as the cover of sorts. Having no idea what kind of Digimon it was or if it was friend or foe, being cautious was the best action to take, Gabumon quickly and quietly makes his way back to you. You both look at each other in silence, listening for any more sounds of movement. Peaking over the top of the bush he was hiding behind Y/N could just make out what kind of Digimon it was. The shape of the Digimon head was a dead give away, it was an Agumon. But this one was different, instead of being a shade of yellow, it was a greyish black. Unfortunately, that meant only one thing, the black digitron virus had corrupted the Agumon. Even at a rookie-level a Digimon affected by the virus can have the power level of a champion level or higher.

Gritting his teeth, Y/N knew they had to get out of there. Staying hidden Y/N continues to watch the Agumon, walking around, stopping every so often to sniff and look around. It was definitely searching for something or someone. Y/N just hoped it wasn't Gabumon and himself. As the Agumon starts walking away from the two, still searching, Y/N and Gabumon slowly start making their way away.
"I found you, Y/N," says the Agumon happily behind him before smiling behind them. Y/N's eyes go wide in shock for two reasons, one being that he and Gabumon had been found. The other and the more shocking thing, Y/N had never heard a Digimon affected by the virus talk like it was a normal Digimon. Gabumon must have been thinking the exact same thing as Y/N as he looks curiously at the Agumon.

" I'm here to help," the Agumon says happily as he smiles at the two, Y/N slowly stands up and Agumon reaches out his left arm and points at Y/N's pocket " look at your digivice"
Putting his hand in his pocket Y/N pulls out his digivice, looking at it the expression on his face once again changes to one of confusion. " what………  it can't be " taking his gaze away from his digivice he looks at the Agumon still standing there " You're my second partner Digimon?" The Agumon smiles brightly at the two and nods in agreement. Gabumon walks over and stands in front of the Agumon and sniffs, his nose wrinkling slightly as he sniffs. Smiling, Gabumon gives the Agumon a hug.

Crouching down again Y/N looks at the two Digimon before they both turn to face him " something you two want to tell me?" Y/N asks curiously
Nodding Gabumon starts "when you first came to the digital world, you were supposed to have two partners. When we were all waiting for the Digidestined to arrive, we're attacked by a strange Digimon, it didn't take long for that Digimon to beat us all even at the rookie level.  When we reverted to our Digi eggs and hatched Agumon was nowhere to be found" Gabumon looks down to the ground "when we couldn't find him we thought his data had been completely destroyed and that my friend was gone… I'm sorry for not sharing this with you"
"Gabumon," Y/N says softly as he smiles at his friend " it's okay, you had no idea that he would show up like this " Gabumon smiles and walks back to Y/N hugging him, the Agumon quickly follows behind cuddling the both of them. Y/N, couldn't believe what had just happened, from hiding from a potentially deadly virus, Digimon to finding out he was supposed to have two Digimon partners, he had never heard of anyone having two Digimon as partners.

The bliss moment, of happiness the three shared, was cut short from a scream echoing through the forest, Y/N’s head quickly looks to the direction the scream came from, there was something familiar about it he just couldn't place it. Them it clicks with him, his eyes go wide as he recognizes the voice "Sora" quickly breaking from the hug of the two Digimon, he starts running towards the direction of the scream. Agumon and Gabumon are both left standing as they watch Y/N running off before quickly following him. Y/N can hear the footsteps of two Digimon behind him, he doesn’t look back he keeps his focus in front of him, dodging trees and rocks as he goes.

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