Chapter 9

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Y/N had been running as fast as you could, putting as much distance between him and the cave his friends are hiding in. You stop catching your breath, listening intensely to any sounds in the forest, it's deathly quiet. You can feel your neck pulsing and your heart thumping in your chest. For a brief moment, you look back from where you came. Shaking your head, you set off running once more, the sound of your feet hitting the ground echoing all around. Dodging trees, left and right, trying to keep up as much speed as possible.

Y/N mind is racing, you'd had to run away from camp quite a few times over the last few months to keep Gabumon safe, but with Sora and Biyomon being here you could feel some doubt settling in your mind. You'd been running, and there was no sight of any potential virus Digimon. Pushing away the thought that you're not the target and they're hunting humans.

Gritting your teeth and finding yourself running with a bit more speed " No, Sora  will be safe, that's one thing I can do."

You stop once again, breathing heavily, using the back of your left hand to wipe the sweat off your brow. Raising an eyebrow, you look around the dark forest once again, but still nothing. All of a sudden you feel the hairs on your neck stand up on their end. If anyone could have seen your face, they would have seen the colour drain nearly instantly. You can see your breath raise in front of your eyes, you hadn't noticed it'd been getting colder and colder as you'd been running. The sound of a rattling chain fills the silence of the woods. Pressing yourself up against the closest tree, feeling the bark of the tree pressing against the back of your head, trying to flatten yourself against the tree as much as possible. The rattling chain gets louder along with the sound of something heavy being dragged along the ground. Tilting your head slightly forward trying to peak around the tree to see what is making the sound. You catch a glimpse of the moonlight hitting something curved and golden in colour. Y/N gulps and moves his head back against the tree, thinking to yourself "Phantomon"

The levitating Phantomon methodically makes its way through the trees. A long golden scythe in one of its hands and a spiked metal ball being dragged along the floor on a chain. It wears a red hooded cape to conceal its face and is covered in a grey cloth that hides its true form. The hood has a skull and hazard symbol on it and it wears a chain necklace with a crystal shaped like an eyeball attached to it.

Y/N tries to remain as still as he possibly can, hoping the phantomon hadn't been affected by the virus. Although Y/N couldn't help but wonder why there wasn't any Bakemon floating around, from your knowledge of these Digimon, Bakemon is the minion of Phantomon.

Y/N wipes the cold beads of sweat that had become stationary on your forehead. You start thinking about what your plan is, knowing there is no way you can fight the phantomon, running is your only plan. But where to run to, back towards the camp? And possibly into a virus Digimon or deeper into the forest and still have a chance of running into a virus Digimon. What if the Phantomon is the virus Digimon? Snapping back into reality your eyes dart back and fore, where did the Phantomon go and where did the rattling and dragging sounds go?

Y/N survival instincts kick in and he lunges forward throwing himself to the ground as the rattling sound of the chain comes from behind the tree. The spiked ball crunches into the tree, and splinters from the impact spread out around the tree base. Y/N gets scrambles up to his feet, his eyes wide looking at where the ball had impacted the tree. There's a tug on the chain and the ball comes loose and hits the floor.  The Phantomon moves slightly revealing itself, its thin ice-blue eyes staring daggers at you.

"he he he he he he" A deep ghoulish laugh echoes through the woods "Look what's stumbled into my wood. A little lost human, it's been so long since I've hunted one of your kind"

Y/N eyes dart between the scythe, ball and chain and Phantomon's murderous eyes. Y/N takes off running from the phantomon, who in turns lowers its scythe and points it at Y/N before giving chase.

"This is my forest boy, I know it better than anyone, you'll never escape it alive" With the tone of Phantomon's voice Y/N can tell that he's enjoying this, if Phantomon had a visible mouth it would be in a big smile.

Y/N keeps running, pushing his hands against trees trying to give himself a little boost as he dodges between trees. Looking over your shoulder you can see the Phantomon phasing through any trees in its path as it keeps chasing, gaining on Y/N.

Y/N can feel yourself starting to slow down, running again so quickly after making your way into the woods to begin with. Your legs feel more tired, and it becomes more challenging to keep making your way on the uneven surface. Your foot catches a tree route and it sends Y/N sprawling and crashing into the tree in front of you shoulder first. Sliding down the tree and landing amongst its roots. Through blurry vision, you can see Phantomon approaching. Extending its scythe towards you, the cold metal of the blade pressing against your Adam's apple, you gulp feeling the blade press against your throat even more. 

"That was a rather disappointing chase, falling like that takes all the joy out of it. Oh well, a hunt is a hunt"

Y/N's vision unblurs as he stares into the eyes of Phantomon

"Any last words?"  Phantomon says in a mocking tone

Y/N continues to look at the Digimon hovering over him, its blade ready to kill him in the next few moments. Y/N can feel the pocket with his digivice start to get warm.

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