Chapter 4

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After running for a good 5 minutes Y/N comes to stop in the forest, his breathing heavy, he struggles to catch his breath as he looks around where he stands, listening for any indication of where to do go next. Agumon and Gabumon finally catch up to Y/N, the two Digimon looking at Y/N. "Gabu.....Gabumon, what part of the forest are we in?" Gabumon looks around trying to work out which part of the forest they are in "hmmm, I think" Gabumon is abruptly cut off Agumon "We're in Ogremon territory" Agumon lifts his left hand up and points behind where Y/N is standing.
Spinning on the spot Y/N turns around to see an Ogermon swinging his club at flying Biyomon "Spiral Twister" shouts the pink bird, a green like fire starts to come from the bird, as it twists out from it's beak, before firing at hitting the Ogremon in the face.
Ogermon roars while swinging its white bone club wildly in the air at the Biyomon, flying just out of reach of the club.
"Biyomon!" yells Y/N at the flying digimon "Where's Sora ?"
Biyomon looks at him the familiar voice distracting her from the fight, orgermon roars as he swings his club once more, just missing biyomon and no more.

Gabumon and Agumon look at one another and nod before running towards the orgermon. The Agumon yelling "pepper breath" before shooting a fireball out of its mouth hitting the orgermon in the chest. Gabumon following on with a "Blue Blaster" releasing a stream of blue ice-like flames from its mouth. This his orgermon near enough in the same place as the fire ball before it
The orgermon turns is attention to the two new Digimon and roars at them, placing it's club on his shoulder he walks towards them, the ground shaking with every step he took.
The biyomon landing besides the other two Digimon, all three now watching the orgermon.
"He's too powerful for us to fight, when we can't digivolve" biyomon looks at gabumon "You know we can't digivolve?"
"Yes, we don't know what's causing it. But that's not important right now. We've got to deal with him."

The three Digimon spread out, biyomon takes to the air once more and Agumon and gabumon go to the left and right. They all let off attacks at the orgermon
"Blue blaster!"
"Pepper breath!"
"Spiral Twister!"
Blue, red and green projectiles are let lose at the orgermon, who swings his club blocking two out of the three, the other hitting him.

Y/N watches the Digimon fight, knowing he can't do anything to help them even if he wanted to "Y/N?" A female voice calls out behind him. Slowly turning around he looks at the girl calling his name. "Sora" he mutters to himself.

With tears in her eyes she runs over to him and wraps her arms around his neck " Oh my god you're alive!"

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