Chapter 5

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Sora buries her face into your chest, tears rolling down her cheeks. Hearing her sobbing Y/N wraps his arms around her holding her tightly, resting his head against hers. Feeling her soft orange hair against his face, everything else starts to vanish, for the briefest of moments Sora is Y/N's only focus

A cry of pain breaks the silence, both Y/N and Sora look at where the cry came from, they both just see biyomon crashing into the ground.

"Biyomon" Sora nearly whimpers her friends name, breaking the hug she runs towards Biyomon, sitting beside her. Lifting her digimons head into her arm, Biyomon, turns her head looking up at Sora, struggling to open her eyes and speaks weakly

"I'm sorry Sora, he's just too strong"

Sora holds Biyomon tightly "it's okay, you always do your best"

Y/N watches his two partners still fighting the enraged Ogermon, they continue to narrowly avoid Ogermon's aggressive attacks with his club

"Agumon! Gabumon! He's too strong, we've got to get out of here now" Y/N shouts at the two Digimon, but they're too engaged in the fight to even respond

The two digmon keep attacking the ogermon the best they can, to little effect. Ogermon roars, before lifting his club up into the air and slamming it down to the ground. The impact causing the ground to shake, Agumon and Gabumon both lose their balance to this.

Sora hugs biyomon tighter as the wave rumbles past them, Y/N grits his teeth and fights to keep his balance.

Ogermon quickly let lose with another swing, catching both Digimon sending the hurtling towards Sora and Biyomon. As they hit the ground they slide to a stop, both of them groaning from the impact of the hit

Laughing the Ogermon lifts his club into the air, looking around like there's an imagery crowd cheering him on in his quest to destroy them.

"Damn it" Y/N mutters watching this unfold, knowing he needed to do something fast, looking down at the ground Y/N's eyes darting back and fore, the corner of his mouth rasing slightly as you spot what you're searching for.

While this was happening the Ogermon started approaching on Sora and the fallen Digimon, its club rested on its shoulder as it walks a sick smile all over it's face.

Ogermon's head moves forward slightly the smile turning into a look of confusion as it again feels something hitting the back of its head

"Hey, ugly!" Y/N shouts at the Digimon, throwing another stone, which hits. The Ogermon turns away from Y/N's friends and looks at him, roaring it's face filling with anger once more

Looking at the pissed off Ogermon coming your way, Y/N throws the last of the stones "Agumon, Gabumon, you guys need to get up and get Sora and Biyomon out of here now!"

Agumon and Gabumon both still knocked silly from the attack with the club, they start getting to their feet and see whats happening

Gabumon gets to one knee, horror in his face "Y/N!" Agumon mamges to get to his feet " Gabumon, you look after them. I'll help Y/N"

"You can't, Ogermon is too strong" agumon could hear the panic in Gabumon's voice

"I have to try, Y/N needs us"

Agumon starts running towards the Ogermon, as he towers over Y/N.

"pepper breath!" a ball of fire shoots out from the Agumons mouth, hitting the Ogermon between the shoulders. Ogermon is too focused to care about the fire ball, a human had attacked him and he was going to make the human regret it

All Y/N could see was the Ogermon towering over him. Y/N had been trying to think of every option he had but everything he'd came up with ended the same way. Standing his ground though, not out of fear, but knowing that his courage right now, was saving his friends. Something he'd failed to do in the past.

Ogermon got ready to swing his club, Y/N was so focused on what was going on in front of him he didn't feel his digivice getting hotter in his pocket, it wasn't until it started shaking that you knew what was happening. Your jaw dropping slightly as you quickly pull put your digivice, a seering white light emiting from the screen.

The bright light making it difficult to keep your eyes open, the Ogermon momentary stunned at the light coming from the small device. The beam of light shoots off from the digivice, going around the Ogermon and being absorbed by the agumon jumping into the air.

A blue egg like caccon surrounds the Agumon, before shattering in less than a second. The ground shakes as the digimon lands.

Y/N's jaw drops at what he just witnessed, agumon digivolved. How did that happen? You'd believed for so long that it couldn't happen any more. You could only imagine what was going through your friend's heads at the moment.

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