-new student-

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y/n's pov:

well. here i am. standing outside a new school, in a new town, surrounded by new people. i hate to admit this, but i am absolutely horrified. is that what im supposed to say? cause it was bullshit. in all honesty, i don't really care. i just want to get this school day over with and go home to my bed, and sure my family, my dad and my two sisters.

i keep my head down, walking inside of the school where i was met with the hallways filled with students, talking and yelling, shoving each other, just being obnoxious. it was slightly overwhelming. i ignored it, walking past everyone as i looked at my hand, i had my schedule written on my hand. i quickly made my way to my locker. that's when i scanned the area, making eye contact with a blonde angry looking boy. yikes. i'll remind myself to avoid him. was i still looking at him? what happened to his eye? i thought to myself, his left eye was a dark purplish red. a bruise. he looked at me, making eye contact as he shot me a glare. an unpleasant glare. i quickly evaded my eyes back to my locker, opening it as i lifted my backpack and started putting my things away. that's when i heard louder footsteps walk up behind me.

"hey, freak! got a staring problem?!" i heard a voice bark out at me. i quickly turned around and i was met by the tall blondie. 

"sorry i didn't mean to stare," i said in the same harsh tone he gave me. he didn't hesitate before throwing back a response "watch your back, faggot!" the blonde boy quickly stormed off. i stood there in disbelief. did he.. just call me a faggot? i guess yeah, that's true, although i've never really thought to hard about it. it's never seemed like a big deal to me. i just like who i like. i've never labeled myself.

-time skip to before lunch-

i haven't really talked to anyone, no one seems interesting. i walked into the lunchroom, my eyes darting around as a group caught my eye. a taller guy with long brown hair, a ginger haired boy with big dorky glasses, a pretty looking girl with shoulder length hair.. and the most interesting of them all, someone with a bulky looking mask, blue hair that was tied up in pigtails, the mask was honestly cooling looking. the pink and the white went good together. why does that girl have a mask on? i thought to myself. i decided i wasn't hungry, i slowly walked over to to the group, sitting down next to the long haired boy with a tired look on his face. i felt all of their eyes shift to me, it wasn't uncomfortable, it felt a bit friendly.

"hey um. can i sit here?" i said in a harsh tone, it was an accident. "of course you can. just don't be an asshole. my names Larry Johnson. that's Sally face, Ash, and Todd." larry said, looking me directly in the eye.

"nice to meet you all, my name is y/n l/n. i just moved here." i said while scanning the group up and down. i liked the vibe they gave off, it felt welcoming and friendly. i liked it. the blue haired kid, sal spoke up "well you can stick around with us. we don't mind," his voice was raspy, and slightly louder than i expected.

we were all faced with an awkward silence, i was looking at the boys white and pink mask, i wasn't paying much attention to anyone, or anything around me.   that's when i felt eyes on me. i looked up from the table, looking around as my eyes diverted to an almost empty table, seeing the blondie staring right back at me. of course. he's sitting alone. that's what he gets for being such an ass. i thought to myself, still staring at him as i watched him stand up, he shot me a harsh glare before walking over to my table, shoving his hands down on it.

"looks like the group of queers is finally complete with the new kid!" he said in a bland tone. larry went to say something, but i immediately cut him off, "what's your deal dude?!" i barked back at the blondie. his eyebrows deepened, getting visibly angrier that i had the courage to stand up for myself. "my deal?! maybe it's the fact i'm surrounded by fifthly sinners!" he growled out. i've had enough of this asshole. i thought to myself before standing up, getting closer to his face as i threw back a response "what's up with you!? why do you have such a problem with me and my friends?!" everyone at the table seemed shocked, but happy i called them my friends. the blondie didn't though. i saw his fist go up, i panicked but it was too late. his fist collided with the right side of my face, i didn't have time to think, i let out a yelp as my head jolted to the side, everything went blurry for a second as my head was pounding, it felt like my eye was gonna pop out of my head. i threw my hands over my face, trying to shield myself from any other attacks as the blondie quickly ran off, out of the cafeteria. it all felt like a blur. i saw larry, sally face and ash all jump up from there seats, eager to chase after the guy before i quickly spoke "just leave it alone guys, i'm fine," i said while still holding my face, grabbing my pack and slinging it over my shoulder. "hell no! let's report that asshole!" ashley said in a firm tone, sally face, larry, and todd agreeing with her. "i said to just leave it alone. he doesn't seem like a bad person. he seems.. like an angry person, not a bad person," i said sternly. there was some bickering back and forth, soon i snapped at them all "leave it alone i said!" i snapped out, before quickly walking away from the group. and out the cafeteria door.

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