-take the chance-

493 21 17

y/n's pov:

what just happened? that felt surprisingly relieving in a way. his eyes felt so intense. i want to get to know him. i'm taking the only chance i have, travis.


i walk into the lunchroom, my eyes darted around as they quickly focused on blondie, he was sitting alone just like yesterday. my feet were already moving without my brain telling them to. and next thing i knew, i was sitting across from him. his eyes darted up and looked at me with an insulting look. i was expecting an insult or rude remark to be thrown my way, but i guess i was wrong. "what're you doing?" he said with confusion in his voice. "sitting with you, we're having lunch together," i responded. "why? your group of freaks is looking at us. why don't you go sit with them?" he said, glancing over to the other tables. "don't call 'em freaks. and i'd like to sit with you. why can't i sit with you?" "well i don't fucking know," he said in a rude tone. we decided to just eat our lunches in silence, his company was nice.

after what felt hours of silence i decided to break it, "cool necklace, blondie," i said while looking down at his golden cross necklace, "thanks or whatever. it was my moms. she gave it to me awhile ago," his voice trailed off at the end. "your mom? tell me about her," i said quietly. he didn't waste a second "she's not around anymore. she left awhile ago,"  he said while shaking his head. i shouldn't have brought it up, but i'm glad he opened up slightly. it's progress. "i'm sorry to hear that, but i'm sure you don't want pity, you just want a friend," i said, giving him a soft smile. he looked directly at me, not breaking the stare as i expected him to tell me to piss off or something. but he didn't. he smiled. he smiled at me?! woah. this is a bigger improvement than i thought. he doesn't seem so bad after all.

he's got a nice smile. it's mesmerizing. i felt compelled to his stupid smile. god. get ahold of yourself. this guy was calling you the f slur not even a day ago and now you're looking at his smile? way to go idiot. "you've got a nice smile," i spit out without thinking, i saw him tense up slightly as his cheeks shone a pinkish color. did i just make travis phelps blush? no way. "thanks. i guess," he muttered out. i tried to force my cheek muscles down but my lips faced up in a large grin. what am i so happy about? god, this is strange.

"hey Travis?" "oh god. what now?" he said through a slight smile. "wanna hang out after school?" i said while shooting him another grin. he hesitated. his eyes shifted down at the lunch table as he struggled to give me an answer. "sure. i guess," he said trying to force out in a tough tone, but it didn't sound all that tough. my face got warm for some reason as i quickly turned my head to the side. am i blushing?! what?! gross. whatever. blushing because travis phelps agreed to hanging out with me? huh. i'm just glad he said yes, i think something is definitely going on at home. i'd like to get him away from that, and his company is nice. although, i'm gonna have to talk to him about using the f slur so often in an insulting way.

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