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Y/n's Pov:

i happily started driving, glancing over at Travis a few times as i did so. he seems so.. tense. my eyes were held on the road, but i could see travis in my vision. he looked less angry than i remember. my throat felt tight all the sudden, my stomach twisting in circles as i let my thoughts ramble.

not a word was exchanged, the entire ride. not even a hum of sound out of either of us. i pull off into the field of gravel, we'd walk the rest of the way to the lake. after we got to the lake, i somehow felt like we were in the same world together. i didn't feel like i was in my own bubble anymore. travis was apart of my world weather he liked it or not. i decided the best place to sit was by the tree, it always caught my eye when i drove past. i sat down, travis followed shortly after. silence. i hated silence, i wanted to break it. but before i even got the chance, travis spat out a sentence, "Do you believe in God?" i had to think. that question pierced me for some reason. "i'd like to, but i need a reason to believe in something. after trying to connect the dots, a God just doesn't make sense to me. so i think my answer is no," i responded in a whisper. travis' eyes shifted, staring at me with an intense yet questioning look. i think he understood, even if he didn't want to admit it.

the lake was beautiful, i think we'd both noticed that. i looked over at blondie, he was staring out into the lake as if it had something he wanted. a stern, yet meaningful look. i could almost say he looked beautiful. i shouldn't think like that, not about Him. i know i shouldn't, but it's hard not to. i'm cringing at myself just thinking about all this. i'm still looking at him.. am i still looking at him?! i shifted my gaze, out onto the almost glowing body of water.

"you're so stupid," i heard travis mutter under his breath, in a shaky almost tearful voice. "i know, but i think you're stupid too, good stupid," i said back in a soft tone, placing a gentle hand on his back without even noticing. i felt the muscles in his back tense up, straightening, before i felt that melt away. he seemed to relax, he didn't appear less tense, and he didn't reek of anger anymore.

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