-messed up-

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Travis' Pov:

i felt a firm.. yet soft touch to my back. i felt myself wanting to punch this idiot, but my body didn't react that way. i felt my fists unclench, it seems like i don't remember the last time i let that happen. his hand felt like a hug on my emotions. weird.. and stupid, i know.

after a few minutes of a peaceful silence, i felt his hand move gently. his palm moving back and forth across the curves of my back as if he was comforting me? it felt strange.. but i didn't want to complain. i didn't want it to stop. but.. "what're you doing, y/n?" i spat out, in a forcefully annoyed tone. i felt his hand stop moving smoothly, resting on my lower back, "do you want me to stop?" he asked.. did i? i don't think i did, but what does this make me? what does this emotion make of me? a fag? god, no. of course not. "you're so weird. no, don't," i said without thinking. what is he thinking of me.. does he think i'm a.. homo now?

despite the anger in my tone, i felt his hand move along my back, once again. i couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt, though i'm not completely sure why. this couldn't be happening. i couldn't be going soft for some.. boy. right? i was thinking to myself, telling my brain to shut up and let this happen, because i wanted it to. but my body reacted differently, once again. without a thought my arm swung back, hitting his inner elbow as i felt his hand break contact with my back. i'm.. not sure why that happened. but it did. "Travis.. seriously?" he said in a stern voice, unlike his usual soft one. i felt threatened.. his tone was telling me something was messed up, and i wasn't the one who messed it up. i couldn't be. i stood up, shooting him down a glare, "stop trying to fix me!" i spat out harshly. i saw him flinch when i said what i did, him standing up so we were face to face. i watched as his eyes connected with mine, "you don't need fixing, Travis," he spoke in a stern, serious voice. he's guilt tripping me.. he has to be. he isn't genuine. "you're bullshitting me, i'm not stupid!" i coughed back, he shook his head softly as he shut his eyes.. before i felt him lunge, wrapping his arms around me as tight as he could, as his face hit my chest, holding there. he was hugging me.. why? i felt my body weaken, as his hands were interlocking with my back, and his face pushed against my chest and collarbones. i felt.. warm. my entire body felt warm. i felt like i had a fever, or maybe.. like i was gonna puke? i wasn't sure.  my brain was screaming to shove him, yell, or do something. react. i just needed to react. before i could even think, my arms were wrapped around him tightly. i didn't want to let go, or for him to let go. i felt my eyes start to sting.

travis phelps x male reader Where stories live. Discover now