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Y/N's pov/

i did it. i did it, and it felt amazing. i didn't realize it but before i could even second guess myself, i was already putting my lips to his. my mind was racing, i couldn't stop telling myself i was making a mistake. but everything went silent the moment i felt him match what i was doing, and kiss me back. after a few seconds, that felt like forever, we both broke the kiss and pulled away. everything was quiet and.. blank. the only thing i could focus on was him, but that meant i could see every emotion flash across his face. calmness, to sadness, fear, and then anger. "what was that..?!" he barked out, which surprised me. "i'm sorry! um, it felt like the right time," i said in response, i watched more emotions flash across his face as he shook his head. did i make a mistake?

we sat there in silence for a few moments as i watched him shake his head, before he brought his eyes to mine. i went to apologize, again, before i felt his hands grab my face and pull my lips up to his.. i stopped thinking again.

this kiss went on for longer than the last one, but by this time i was convinced i was daydreaming, or something bad was gonna happen. the kiss broke by his choice, and once again we were met with an awkward silence. silence filled the room and it felt agonizing.

what now? i just kissed a 'straight' boy.. what now? i always find myself asking that question about stupid tasks i complete, but this time i was genuinely wondering, what next. i'm guessing my silence meant something to him, because i watched as he moved his face closer to mine, then i felt his hands grip onto my shoulders. "nobody can know about this. i mean it," he said in a harsh tone. i didn't have time to think. "okay.. yeah. why?" i questioned. his eyebrows deepened slightly, but he still had sad eyes. "because if anyone finds out, i'm dead!" he growled.

travis phelps x male reader Where stories live. Discover now