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Travis' pov:

of course. just great. a new student, and one who fights. just looking at his stupid face pisses me off! but i keep finding myself looking anyway. why does he keep grabbing my attention?! whatever. i can't worry about that right now. i just need to find a place to hide so the teachers don't flip out on me. i walked into the bathroom, walking to the furthest stall and locked myself in. disgusting sinners! every single one of them! it's sick! i sat down on the nasty bathroom floor, digging through my bag as i quickly pulled out a pen and notebook with my name on it. i opened it, pushing the pen down as i let my hand holding the pen just start writing about anything and everything. it helped when i felt angry or overwhelmed. which was all the time. i find myself writing things down a lot, it makes things seem less  scary.

why did that boy keep catching my eye? what about that freak makes him any different from the others?? i wrote on the blank page, second guessing myself as i quickly ripped the page out, crumpling it up and throwing it into my bag before shoving the notebook and pen into it as well. that's when i felt my eyes start to burn, they felt glossy and heavy. i felt a tear rush down my face as it immediately turned into two, then more. why am i crying? what's wrong with me? i thought to myself as the tears just kept flowing. it felt like acid on my left eye, the bruised one. it made my feel feel warm as i could feel my nose getting runny. i didn't want to stop the tears. they kept pouring down, i covered my nose and eyes with my baggy sleeves as i tried to silence my sobs.

i heard the door swing open, then light footsteps walk into the bathroom. i tried to quiet myself down, but it was no use. i heard the footsteps get closer, and closer. that's when i heart a familiar voice "um.. is anyone in there?" it was y/n?! what was he doing here?! "no duh fuck-wad! piss off!" i barked out through my sniffles. i heard them pause for a moment, "blondie? are you crying in there?" they spoke softly. did they call me 'blondie'? is that some kind of stupid nickname, "wha- no! of course i ain't crying! can't a guy get some privacy?!" i yelled out in a harsh angry tone, what's the matter with me? i thought to myself before my thoughts trailed off. i looked under the stall door, seeing him standing there and watching him carefully.. he then knelt down in front of it, sitting down outside the stall door on the nasty bathroom floor in front of me. "what's your name?" he said in the same soft voice. "what?! my name is travis. why the hell are you asking?"  "well, i don't think you're a bad person, travis. i'd like to get to know you." he said firmly. what? what is he talking about? this has got to be a joke. i was stunned. i didn't know what to say. a few minutes passed of this awkward silence before he broke it, "my name is y/n,"   y/n, that name made my choke slightly on air. why? i'm not sure.

BRING! BRING! BRING! the bell blared throughout the room, making me, and y/n jump slightly. i didn't move, he stood up, surprisingly not walking away. "travis, you comin?" he said with a hopeful tone. what's up with this dude? i punched him not even ten minutes ago and now he's being all buddy buddy? that's not gonna fly with me. he's just a freak! like everyone else! even thus, my body stood up without a second though, my hand reached for the stall lock as i quickly opened it. i was faced with a sort of gloomy looking y/n. his eyes were a piercing e/c. his skin looked a soft shade of s/c. his mouth was shaped up in a slight grin, his lips looked soft and a light shade of pink. what am i thinking?! no no he's just a freak. god travis, why are you thinking like this?!

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