-wrong doing made right-

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Y/N's pov

i shouldn't be yelling at him. maybe i am gross. fuck! was it really that bad kissing me?! i cant.. keep doing this with him. i feel like we're making progress and then he makes me feel.. disgusting!

"Y/N. i don't.. know what to tell you," he states. i don't process anything he's saying, i'm so angry. it's all just a jumble of words, i start yelling back. "i don't understand you, Travis!" i bark out. i watch as he jumps slightly, his eyes closing on instinct.

i realize how i'm acting. i realize that i'm yelling at this probably confused high school boy who just needs my help. i stay completely still as i feel my eyes start to burn. i feel horrible. like now i might puke.  travis opens his tear filled eyes, he gives me a blank yet concerned look. we stand in silence for a moment, both of us on the edge of breaking out in tears.

"i'm not sorry for being confused. i'm sorry for making you feel bad, though." he almost whispers. i don't say anything, i just wrap my arms around him quickly. after moments of me squeezing the life out of him, he wraps his arms around me, resting his hands on my back. he continues to spout apologies, but i'm not listening. i can only think about one thing, how warm he is. i can hear his heart beating rather quickly, i can feel his hands pressing my back, and i can feel how warm he is. it's nice. i haven't been this warm in a long time.

"stop apologizing." i say after a drawn out amount of time, he shuts up. i pull out of the hug, looking at him. sometimes i don't take time to appreciate how nice his eyes are. "you have nice eyes, Travis," i say without thinking, his face tints slightly red, a nice purple red color. "oh, okay." he states. yes, you're welcome. "this is awkward now, yeah?" i say. he doesn't respond, he doesn't waist any time saying anything, he just pushes his lips onto mine, again. i do the same, grabbing his hand tightly as i feel how soft his lips are against mine. the kiss is drawn out, he's grabbing the back of my neck with his free hand and i'm letting him. i never want to stop kissing him, but with that though, i pull away for a breath.

"i'm sorry." he repeats, again. "stop apologizing. you know i'd.. never uh.." i stop there. not knowing how to continue my sentence without seeming completely intrusive and rude. "never what?" "never hurt you. uh. you flinched, when i was.. you know, yelling. but you know id never hurt you, right?" i say. he stares at me for a few seconds. "oh. yeah. right. i know." he says quickly. "okay. good." i say, lifting my hands to cup his face as i pull him down slightly to my height. i softly kiss his lips, then his cheek, and right under his eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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