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Y/N's pov:

i finally did the thing i've wanted to do since i first met Travis Phelps. i hugged him. i don't know why, but it happened. and i'm so damn happy it did. i'm surprised that i felt him hugging me back. god knows i expected to be pushed to the ground..
my excitement didn't last long though. my train of thoughts was stopped by a sniffle or two. from travis. did i.. upset him? is he crying? travis? i squeezed him tighter. i put pressure on his back and sides with my arms. i felt my entire body start to feel light, like i was floating. i cringed at how cheesy my thoughts were, but something about him makes me think like this. after a couple drawn out seconds, i heard him sniffle again. this time it was filled with emotion, like he was swallowing his emotions back in through a breath. i listened. i stayed quiet, and i listened to this boy trying to stop himself from crying. "you can cry, i'm right here," i said in an attempt to be comforting, which didn't really go how i wanted it to. "no.. no! no," he forced out through the tears. my stomach was turning. i feel so horrible on the inside, i hate seeing people cry.

after moments of him letting his emotions pour, he broke the hug as he threw his arm over his eyes in an attempt to dry them. "what's wrong?" i asked, i needed to know. he pushed out a few mumbles, before i could make out what he was saying. "i can't feel like this.." he said in a tone i can only describe as fear. i didn't know what to say, i didn't know what to do, and i didn't know how to feel.

i stayed completely still for a moment, processing what he just said before my body acted, grabbing his hands and interlocking his fingers with mine. i felt his fingers shaking rapidly, in a way he nor i could control. "feel like what, travis?" i broke the silence. "like.. this! you're.. you're just some freak who pretends to understand me!" he spat. i know he's upset, and i know he needs to let it out, but i don't like being spoken to this way. and i'm not the type of person to take that. "travis. being upset doesn't give you an excuse to be an asshole to me. i mean it," i frowned slightly, squeezing his hands without even realizing it.
he looked shocked for a second before he slowly brought his gaze to mine. he didn't look angry, he didn't look resentful. he looked at me as if i had known him for years. i felt my cheeks get warm again, but i knew now wasn't the time to let my emotions go all over the place.

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