Pups Turned Boys

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The hybridized duo chased each other through Grillby's as he tried to figure out how this happened. His wolf and his dragon were not a wolf and a dragon anymore. They were human like skeletons. Did this mean that they could learn how to read? How to write? Could they be normal? Of course he was going to try. First things first, they needed clothes. They were naked. Grillby sighed. "I'll see what I can get you boys." For Sans he bought shorts and a t-shirt. For Papyrus he bought a black long sleeve and red pants. Getting the clothes on them was... an experience. He had to pin Papyrus down to dress him. Sans circled around them as Grillby did so. Seeing what the fire monster was doing, Sans quickly picked up that he'd be pinned next if he didn't put on the clothes. It took him a solid minute to figure it out, but when Grillby let the youngest go after threading his wings through his shirt, he was threading his own tail through the hole in his shorts. Grillby was impressed. "Nice, but your shirt is backwards." He helped Sans fix his shirt.


Grillby spent his days teaching the boys common. They were getting more and more human looking in shape, Papyrus lost his wings while Sans lost his tail. They were extremely eager to learn as well. Jumping up whenever Grillby was done with work or on break. "lesson, lesson, lesson?"
"FLUFFY BUNNY?" Papyrus had taken a particular liking to the story. "Not tonight, Papyrus. I would like to start teaching you how monsters interact with one another. Maybe you can make friends?"
"interact.. with monsters..?" Sans shifted his stance uneasily. "It'll be fun. I promise no harm will come to you as long as I'm around." And so, as soon as the last of their features faded, they went out to explore. Sans stuck near Grillby while Papyrus wandered, running back if he was falling behind or far ahead. It didn't take long for Papyrus at all. "HELLO! I AM PAPYRUS!" Grillby was quick to check on the skeleton and see who he was greeting. It was a kid around his age, maybe a bit older. She was a fish monster. "I'm Undyne, nice to meet you punk!" She caught Papyrus in a headlock. "N-NYEH! DON'T NOOGIE THE SKELETON!"


Undyne and Papyrus had become fast friends. Sans was... struggling a bit. Sans and Papyrus got sick for the first time not long after. It was nothing bad, the boys souls had gotten a little to cold and wet. It seemed that they were more susceptible to illness in this form than their other. Anyway, he'd given them some could medicine to help them sleep. Things were fine at first, but then Sans started growling. Papyrus, uncertain of why Sans was growling trilled in fear. Grillby was utterly confused. What was Sans growling at? The boy lurched forward as he changed from boy to wolf, Papyrus much in the same state. Papyrus was growling now too.. and they were growling at him. Grillby ran. The beasts gave chase. This went on until well after dark before they broke from their instinctive haze and passed out. Just like that. Grillby decided no more drowsy medicine for the boys.


Sans was 13 when he made his first friend. Papyrus was at Undyne's for a sleep over and Grillby was babysitting his niece. The wolf wasn't keen with either. So he explored Hotland in this form. For his birthday he'd gotten a new blue jacket that he absolutely loved with a passion. Sometimes he felt he didn't deserve the kindness Mr. Grillby showed them. He certainly hadn't had to take them in or anything. Or teach them. Or clothe them. He sighed and sat on the scorching hot ground. He allowed himself to sprawl on it, looking up at the ceiling. Then he felt the book. His hand had landed on it. He sat up and grabbed it. It was a book on mechanics. Glancing around, he noticed someone looking at him. They squeaked and hid some outcrop. It must have been theirs. He didn't really want to interact or anything so he slid it across the ground towards them before dramatically flopping onto his back again. "Th-thank you.." A feminine voice squeaked suddenly. He assumed it was the monster. "no prob.." He replied, trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice. She was no longer hiding. She was about five feet away when he sat up. "Uh.. uh.. I'm... um... Alphys.."
"Sans huh.. can we.. maybe.. be friends Sans? You.. uh.. you seem nice." Sans was shocked. "sure." When he got home, Papyrus and Grillby was already there. "There you are, Where have you been?" Grillby asked. "hotland, i made a friend today. her name is alphys an' she's about my age." Grillby was startled, but happy. "That's great. You boys will surely fit in in the Underground." That they had.

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