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It was a day after Sans and Gaster's talk and Papyrus decided to host the age old tradition of the slumber party, consisting of himself and Sans, naturally, Alphys, Undyne, and Frisk. Sans didn't mind at all, he never did, though he did say he'd be inviting someone else. Papyrus was rather curious as to who, but it was a good thing Sans was expanding his horizons, making new friends. Gaster hadn't come today or yesterday either, the dragon suspected the wolf had something to do with it, but he was glad to not have Gaster watching him like a guinea pig.


Gaster could honestly say he'd never been to a slumber party. Times had been different back when he was a boy. So he didn't know what to bring other than his pajamas and toothbrush. So he text Sans about it, now that he had Sans number. "never been to one, eh? well what did you do as a kid? play any games? always keep questions like those in mind when it comes to my bro's slumber parties.. and feel free to bring a textbook or two as well, i'm eager to learn." Gaster chuckled. "Thank you Sans, I do believe I know what to bring now."
"good to hear, see ya later!"


The girls were always early to set up the snacks and anime. Sans snickered. Gaster was so going to be out of his element here. This was a good thing though. The scientist could use these types of interactions. He always seemed like a rather lonely man.. Sans would have to warn the scientist about anime logic though. He found out rather quickly that the man was practically fueled off logic. Anime would probably infuriate the doctor, and Sans didn't need to pay for another broken TV.


Frisk came next, giving each brother a hug. Under the precaution of extreme safety, Frisk, Undyne, and Alphys were flying on his back today. "Wanna come?!" Frisk offered. "nah, nah. i'm more of a two feet on the ground kind of guy."
"I TOOK SANS FLYING ONCE AND HE NEARLY PUKED ON ME. 'WOLVES AREN'T MEANT FOR THE AIR' HE TOLD ME. WE DIDN'T DO IT AGAIN." Papyrus informed helpfully. "That's to bad, this is going to be a blast!" Undyne picked up Frisk and Alphys and started running, with Papyrus not far behind her.


When Gaster did come, they were still gone. "I was expecting more people than this.." Sans shrugged. "they're out. forewarning, there will be anime tonight and that is in no way, shape, or form logical."
"Oh... I see. Thank you." Gaster set down his sachel. "what'd ya bring?" Sans asked curiously. "A deck of cards and this." He held up battleship. "It was the only game I could think of that everyone might like."
"it's a good choice, gaster." I praised. It really was, as a game of strategy, I knew all three monsters would enjoy it. Frisk too, since they were usually up for anything.


Gaster was teaching me the basics of a souls makeup when the others came in. "so the durability of the monster in question depends on how lethal the determination?"
"Yes, exactly. For instance, a skeleton like you or myself, being made of bones, we could in theory handle less determination than someone made of more skin like say... Undyne. She could probably handle large amounts of determination. "i'm thicker than the average skeleton, does that mean i could handle more determination than a normal skeleton?" Gaster lapsed into uncomfortable silence. "Yes... I'd created you that way for a reason.."
"a reason you aren't using us for anymore, so don't worry about it."


It was awkward at first. Papyrus and the others weren't expecting Gaster to be at the house when they got back. It seemed to bother Sans none though. "heya guys, how was your flight?"
"It was cool. I thought you guys were uncomfortable with him?" Undyne asked, wanting to get straight to the point. "long story short, i had a talk with him, and we're chill now." The scientist in question was tucking away a couple of books on souls? "WELL THEN! WELCOME TO THE PARTY, DR. GASTER!!"


Gaster didn't know much about having fun, but he learned quickly. His creations friends were kind and patient with him. They seemed to enjoy his company. They were quite competitive too when it came to the games. Battleship, Connect Four, War, Shoots and Ladders, Scrabble, and Sequence. After they'd tired of their 'battles' they set up for anime. Sans was quite right about it being illogical, but if one could take a new angle on it, in some strange and unique way, it was logical. Gaster quickly decided that illogically logical was the best way to go about it.

And that was the first of many fun nights for Dadster lol. Ending this on a good note, cause that's the way I roll. Have a great morning/afternoon/night!


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