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Gaster never made a move to harm or take the boys, but he was always watching and Sans didn't like it. He felt like some animal in a zoo. That was the reason he hated zoos, those poor things never get any peace and quiet. Even Papyrus admitted he didn't like the constant stare on him. The least Gaster could do was ask questions or something instead of just... staring. Sans didn't like his little brother being uncomfortable. He had to do something to get Gaster to stop. Even... if it meant giving himself up for the sake of 'science'. He resolved to speak to the ex royal scientist tomorrow. A more private location where if Gaster so desired, he could take the wolf and do with him what he wished. For now, the wolf would ignore Gaster's stare and spend time with his friends and family as it were his last time, because he honestly didn't know if it would be the last time.


In the early hours of the next day, Sans set out to fetch Gaster and talk. He left a note to Papyrus, telling the younger that he was out on a run to burn off energy and wouldn't be back until after he went to bed. It would buy him some time in case Gaster did want him for weaponization or something along those lines. Luckily he didn't have to ask the receptionist for the doctors room number, he caught the skeletons scent. It lead him to the fourth door of the motel. He tried to keep himself relaxed, but it wasn't easy, knowing that this could be the last day of your best life. "Yes, hello- Sans? What are you doing here?" Gaster looked like he was getting ready to go, most likely to the skeleton brothers house for more observation. "we need to talk... can i come in..?" Gaster stepped to the side wordlessly, and Sans walked in, surveying the room. It was rather tidy, actually. He'd made the single king bed after use, the TV didn't look touched at all. His shoes rested neatly at the foot of the bed. The only messy area was the desk space with papers scattered everywhere and his coat thrown haphazardly onto the chair. Gaster closed the door behind him, facing his experiment. "So, what is it you want to talk about?"


"your observations are starting to make us uncomfortable, if you're going to take one of us, just take me now, let papyrus be." Sans crossed his arms, looking his creator in the eyesockets. Gaster was slightly taken aback. Though he supposed, they didn't really know his intentions. As far as the wolf and dragon were concerned, any day could be their last as 'normal' monsters. Gaster laughed lightly, making Sans go ridged. "I don't plan on taking you, I'm just curious about you, how you can do this." He gestured to Sans' form. "I have no intention of taking you back, seeing as there is no war." Sans was a bit hesitant. 'Was he serious? He doesn't want us?' He responded to Gaster's question slowly. The wolf had been curious about it himself, and checked his soul to see why it was possible. "we were created as animals, but our souls are that of a human skeletons. that means that we can act, think, change into one. the more we were introduced to, the more we learned and evolved, until we became the creatures you know today." Gaster was a bit surprised Sans even answered the question, that he even knew the answer to the question. "That... makes sense. Please, tell me more?"


Sans told Gaster all that he knew. The how's and why's of himself and Papyrus. He told him why sleep medication made them digress to an aggressive state. It clouded their minds and souls, deeply disorienting them to the point where they weren't sure what was safe and what wasn't. He explained the process of transformation, and how it was all magic based. How no matter what form they were in, their senses, abilities, etc were always the same. Gaster absorbed it all with interest. This is the first time he'd connected with his experiment. Truly connected with him. Sans had always kept a distance, now he knew why. "You know Sans? You have the makings of a scientist within you, if you're interested. That startled the skeleton. His creator... wanted to teach him? How to do science? "i... i think....... i'd like that." Sans agreed, deciding to give Gaster a chance. For that, Gaster was greatful.

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