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The boys were tied to another rafter along with Grillby, who hadn't put up much of a fight. He'd need that energy for when the boys woke up... "Ya were real stupid for coming here to free your buddies. Now we got three more ta sell." Grillby glanced uneasily at the boys. "Within the hour, you'll have none to sell, those tranquilizers were a huge mistake. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to stop them when they wake. They hate confined spaces." The human looked at him, bemused. "And what will happen? They'll struggle and scream?" Grillby paused. "Well... someone will be screaming, but it won't be them." He scoffed and left the monsters to hang. "Grillby, what are you saying?" Undyne asked. "Try to keep yourself as non-threatening as possible, they digress when they are tranquilized."
"Digress?" Gaster asked. Grillby looked at him. Your experiments are closer than you ever imagined."


Papyrus felt groggy, weak, VULNERABLE. He whined in fear. His cries reached the protective wolf who was also waking up slowly. The whines served to make Sans growl. The wolf was working hard to wake himself up, to revert to his dangerous form. Sans' growls further struck fear into the dragons soul. He only growled when danger was nearby. So the dragon also started to revert to his dangerous form. With the weight and size of the two, there was no way those ropes or rafter could hold them and they dropped to all fours. Papyrus hissed, wings spread threatening, while Sans bristled, looking for the threat. His eyelights landed on their former creator. Sans snarled again, louder this time. Gaster barely registered as he stared in shock at skeletons turned experimental beasts. Of course, Gaster wasn't the only one shocked. They all were. Alphys paled and Undyne gawked. She was training a dragon the ENTIRE TIME THEY WERE UNDERGROUND! Toriel was struggling on how lazy, punderful Sans could be this vicious creature that was about ready to tear Gaster apart and Frisk gasped. "I KNEW IT!" The noise drew attention to the child, both beasts turning on them. Papyrus charged a blast while Sans snapped forward, going on the offensive. "FRISK!" Sans' split jaw opened to snatch the kid, and Grillby and Gaster both yelled in unison. "SANS, PAPYRUS STOP!"


Sans jaw snapped closed, and both creatures started to anxiously pace and circle around Grillby. They knew him. He was good. Good. Warm. Safe. Protect. "Good. Good boys. Those are our friends, not out enemies." They didn't understand, but his voice was soothing, so they were ok. Safe. "You knew..?" Gaster looked at Grillby. "You knew that they were.."
"I found them in Snowdin years ago, when they were just boys. I raised them to be monsters, the monsters you all know as Sans and Papyrus. They've been scared since you returned, they like the lives they made for themselves.. they don't want to be weapons." Grillby replied. Alphys spoke up nervously. "W-what happened to them..?" Grillby looked at the boys. "These are the side-effects of the tranquilizers. As you've seen, they can look and act like any normal monster. But if they take any sort of sleeping medications or drugs, they revert to a more.. feral.. state. They'll return to normal once the drug fully wears off." Grillby replied. There were noises outside that both skeletons reacted too. "It's ok, you're ok. Stay down here." They nosed Grillby uncertainly. They wanted him down, they just didn't know how to do that.


So every one waited. The boys were snoozing at this point, sleeping off the remaining drug in their system. Surprisingly, nobody came down to check on them. Not until dinner, that is. Monsters had to eat too. Sans was waiting for this. Before the human could call out to his buddies, the wolf lashed his tail out at the human, slamming him into the wall and knocking him out. Papyrus raised his head, looking annoyed. The wolf gave a grin before getting up. Papyrus followed his brother and went to cut down Undyne, Alphys, and Frisk. With a slash of his wing, they were falling into the larger beasts back. Sans used his tail to cut down Grillby, Toriel, and Gaster. Monsters free and on the ground, Sans went to the door sniffing. Papyrus churred inquiringly. Sans gave a huff, before darting around the house. "Don't harm them to much, Papyrus... make sure to tell your brother that as well!" The dragon gave a nod and went after the wolf. "Shapeshifters.." He sighed heavily. "So.. they are back to themselves?" Undyne asked. "Seems so. Shall we wait for them outside?" Grillby started towards cellar doors. With a shrug, the rest followed behind him.

3 chapters left

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