What will you do Now?

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After making quick work of the other humans, Sans curled around the monsters, touched Papyrus scapula, and disappeared into Grillby's living room. Papyrus went for his bone squeezing the life out of it in his stress. Sans changed forms, staring at Gaster. "what will you do now?" The skeleton stared back at the wolf. It seemed to go on forever until a familiar bounce was heard. His head snapped to Grillby, who bounced the ball again. "grillby.." Sans warned as he tracked the toy. "Sans. Let me handle this, you need to relax."
"grillby, no-" He tossed the ball and the wolf tore after it. "A ball? That's all it takes?" Undyne asked, watching. "Only from someone he trusts." Grillby replied. "How did this... how are they..." Gaster muttered. He didn't know WHAT to think. Sans and Papyrus were... he thought it should be impossible. "I don't know. I never asked. I just acted. I figured they don't know themselves." Grillby looked to Gaster, crossing his arms. So what WILL you do now? Know that I will fight for the boys if you try and take them away." Grillby warned. Gaster shook his head. "I will observe, for now. Only time will tell what comes next.."


Everyone was still getting used to the fact that Sans and Papyrus were Shapeshifters. Sans and Papyrus were still getting used to them knowing. Papyrus nearly jumped when Undyne approached him and Sans would flinch at Frisk or Toriel's touch. By dinner, both were hiding out in Grillby's room. "Did we do something wrong?" Frisk asked. "No. They just aren't used to you handling them in that form. They will get used to you in time. I think they are mostly afraid of harming you. They can get rough in their quadruple form." Grillby reassured. Sure enough, Sans poked in. "dinner?" Grillby laughed. "Yes." Both boys came in, Sans giving Gaster glances while Papyrus seemed rather normal. "I APOLOGIZE, I HAD TO DESTRESS." He sat down at the table. Sans was more uneasy. His gaze switching from person to person. He wasn't sure what to expect. "RELAX, BROTHER. THEY DON'T HATE YOU."
"'s not that.." The wolf replied. He just thought that... he'd be treated differently from now on. That both of them would be treated differently from now on.. "Worry later, focus on filling that nonexistent stomach."


"Sans?" Frisk walked up to the skeleton after dinner, looking determined as always. "hm?" He looked at them from his spot on the couch. The others had gathered behind them. "Can we... pet you? We pet Papyrus, but we want to pet you now... uh... if you're ok with it." He sighed heavily. "alright.. just this once." He got up, shifting forms. At first he flinched at their touch, but quickly got used to it. They stroked his muzzle and the others joined in, Toriel rubbing his skull, Undyne rubbing his spines, and Alphys rubbing his sternum. It was fairly relaxing until Undyne touched that spot. He groaned leaning into the touch for more. "Oh, you like that huh?" She focused on the spot and he shuttered, lowering himself to the floor and closing his sockets with soft groaning rumbles. The others were giggling but he didn't care. It felt so good. His tail wagged, thumping against the wood flooring. "He REALLY likes this."
"That's his 'calming spot'. If he's tense or nervous just rub there and he'll relax. If you're close enough that is. If not, distracting him with a ball or something fast and bouncy to take his mind off it. Like earlier with Gaster." Undyne blinked. "Oh." Looking down at Sans, she realized he was out. "Oops."

2 chapters left

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