Day Two

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Today I had decided to wait for that same bus I took yesterday in hopes that I could pay the driver back for letting me ride. I had in fact gotten to work yesterday on time like she promised and with 15 minutes to spare. 

I of course was someone who paid my way and kept my promises which was something I prided myself on as I see the M7 in the distance and quickly get my change out for today and yesterdays faire holding it in my hand. 

As the bus pulls up I can now see it is in fact the same blonde driver from yesterday as people board in front of me tossing their change in the machine. I make my way up the steps now  as she turns to look at me smiling that same smile she had yesterday.

"As promised. I am paying for my ride from yesterday and today. And you did get me to work on time and early. Thank you."

"You are very welcome Lena and not a problem." She says remembering my name as I feel embarrassed that I never asked her what hers was.

"I'm sorry you never told me you're name. Actually I never asked. Which was rude of me." I toss my change in a she turns the big wheel into the next lane as I now wonder how in the hell she can actually drive this giant machine. I could barely drive a car much less a bus full of people.

"Stef. And it's ok you were having a tough morning."

"I was but I wasn't raised to be rude. But it's  nice to meet you Stef and thank you."

"Likewise. Hey, did you find your wallet?" She asks as I take a seat upfront again feeling much calmer then I was yesterday.

"Oh, goodness, I did, I left it on my bed at home and thankfully I could call my grandmother when I got to work. I was rushing and yesterday was Murphy's Law." I laugh as she does as well. "I'm sorry I don't mean to talk you're head off I know you must be trying to focus."

"Oh it's ok. I can do both. Long as I have some coffee to keep me awake and you know this traffic keeps you awake as well."

"I can imagine. Is it hard? I mean is it hard to drive a bus? It just seems so large." I look around and can't imagine driving this giant hunk of metal.

"Nah. It's kinda like a big car so to say." She says smiling again as I can't help but realize how easy it is to talk to her. Almost like I have known her before this when of course that is impossible.

"I can barely drive that.  Still, very impressive."

"Ah I'm sure you drive just fine Lena. I mean like anything it takes practice, there's of course a learning curve you know with anything. But I'm sure you'd do great." She turns to look at me as I blush at her compliment. "But what is it that you do? If you don't mind me asking."

"Oh not at all but I um...I'm a secretary."

"Yeah? For a big fancy company in Columbus Circle?"

"Ha! Hardly. Actually I work for a children's publisher but I just answer phones and get people coffee and stuff. I'm not really anybody." I let that part slip as she turns to look at me again while we stop at a red light.

"Well, I'd beg to differ. I think if you didn't get them coffee or answer phones I mean who would do it for them. God forbid they do it themselves. You must be somebody." She teases as I nod my head laughing a bit at myself. "Besides you aren't your job ya know? You seem pretty smart, educated.  It's ok to be at a job you don't really love while you look for the one you want."

"Have we met before?" I now joke as she laughs herself. 

"Not that I know of. I'd remember since I never really tend tu forget a face but no, you are someone I have not yet met."

"You just seem so familiar to me is all." Which she did but I couldn't put my finger on it at all.

"Yeah. I get that alot. But I've never been out of New York. Are you from here?"

"No. I'm from Los Angeles. But, my grandparents lived in Harlem when I was growing up and I would come stay every summer."

"Yeah? Nice. Which do you like better if you don't mind me asking LA or New York?"

"Well I liked LA for a bit, since I grew up there, but I don't know New York felt very much like home to me. My grandfather owned a barber shop on 125th and my grandmother was a live in maid for a couple on 16th street.  But to me they really felt like home. " I don't realize how damm much I am spilling to this woman but she seems to listen to intensely like no one ever has to me before. It is now that I really look at her pretty blonde hair which is pulled back in a ponytail and her large glasses. But I can see she is very pretty as well as her smile.

"Grandparents have that affect huh? They make places feel like home."

"Yes, very much so. If you don't mind me asking where are you from in the city?"

"I actually grew up with my grandparents in the Bronx."

"Oh wow. A Bronx girl huh?" I tease as we both laugh.

"Oh yeah I am. Lived on Kelly Street for a bit then when my grandfather started working for transit they moved to a nicer part."

"OH so that's where you got it from? You drive a bus like your grandfather?"

"Yeah, you can say he inspired me. You know it's hard not to follow in their footsteps when  that's what you see and grow up with. Didn't know much of anything else so you know I guess I didn't think of not doing it. Ya know?"

"Of course. I'm sure he is proud of you." I say as she is quiet now and I feel as if I may have said something wrong.  "I'm sorry Stef, did I say something? I have a big mouth."

"Oh no Lena, you didn't. Not at all. But this is you, can't have you getting to work late now can I?"

"Oh goodness. I didn't even realize we were here." I stand up now as she gently stops the bus and opens the door for people to get out. "It was nice talking to you Stef. Really."

"Nice talking to you too Lena. You have a good day."

"I will. You too."  I smile wide at her as she returns it and I step off the bus and watch her pull away for she seemed like such a nice person and I was reconsidering my commute of taking the subway to work. Maybe the bus wasn't a bad idea?

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