Window Displays Part 1

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"Phone honey." I suddenly hear my Grandma Bunny say as she comes in my room and gently taps my shoulder. I didn't even know what time it was as she gently taps me again. "A nice woman named Stef."

"Stef?" I get up instantly and look at my clock seeing it is passed nine and I can't remember for the life of me what damm day it is. SHIT! Did I miss the bus! Crap was it Monday!

"What, what day is it Grandma Bunny???"

"Saturday sweet girl. Oh honey you need to stop saying up late and reading those horror novels. You want me to tell her to call you back." I rub my eyes and put my hair on top of my head with a hair tie knowing I look god awful as I throw my robe on.

"No, no. I can take it." I fiddle with my hair again as I head into the kitchen and pick up the receiver.

"Oh baby she can't see you through the phone." Grandma Bunny says as I blush wondering why I even cared how I looked right now as she sits at the same table and sips on her tea.

"Stef hi!" I say trying not to sound overly excited even if I was because she had called.

"Lena hi. I'm  sorry did I  wake you?"

"Oh nooo. Not at all! I've been up for hours! " I lie as Grandma Bunny looks at me laughing and continues reading her newspaper. "But um, how are you?"

"I'm good. Did you still wanna meet up for lunch before we see the window displays?"

"Definitely! Sure! I  have a place I can take you. Do you want to come to Harlem? Unless you would rather meet by 5th ave?"

"Oh no sure I'd love to come down there."

"Oh goodness you know that was rude of me. I can come to the Bronx too. If that's easier for you." 

"Nonsense. And you are far from rude. Just let me know where and I'll be there. AND I'm paying."  I hear the seriousness in her tone as I smile playing with the phone cord.

"We'll see. But there's a cute coffee shop on 116th and Lenox. It's called Jill's and they have burgers and stuff too. Do you want to meet at noon?"

"That sounds good. I'll be in the area to drop a few things off at work. So I'll see you then. Looking forward to it Lena."

"Me too. Bye Stef."

"Bye." Her voice is soft and inviting as I hang up and feel my heart race as I don't even notice that I'm smiling. Why in the hell was my heart racing like this? Stef was just someone that had become a friend and that I wanted to get to know more.

"A date? She sounds very nice."

"Oh no just lunch and looking at window displays. She's a friend." I pour a cup of coffee now and take a seat with Bunny as she looks at me over the top of her glasses.

"Really? All your friends make you smile like that sweetheart?  Can't fool your grandma bunny baby."

"Some do Gran." I sip my coffee as she smiles again.

"Well you enjoy yourself with this Stef today. And let me know how it goes."



As I sat in the cute coffee shop Lena asked me to meet her at I had picked a table by the window so we could watch the snow fall. It had been snowing nearly every day in the city which kind of made it even more magical for this time of year. 

As I watched some of the kids run down the sidewalks of Harlem and throw snowballs at each other. I couldn't help but smile at their innocence and happiness as it brought me back to my own childhood in the Bronx when I'd build a snowman with my grandparents if it snowed enough. Sometimes we even went sledding at Shoelace park and grabbed hot chocolates after or went ice skating. They were good times and I often  wondered if I'd ever have my own children one day to make more memories with.

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