Snowed In Part I

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"I must say this is a pretty large tree Lena. You sure you didn't get the biggest one?" Stef teases as we manage to drag it up the steps and elevator and place it in a corner of her apartment. 

"Isn't it! I love it! But, oh wait, do you hate it?" I look at her now as she smiles warmly at me.

"I love it Lena. It's really nice and probably the biggest one that ever sat in this corner. I'm actually glad we got it. You have good taste."

"You didn't know! I'm known for my taste in trees!" We both laugh as she now straightens the tree out and I realize I have got to get control over myself for I had been staring at her all afternoon! I just loved everything about her and she honestly looked so sexy with her short hair, glasses and jeans.

"I did know! And, it brought some life to my apartment."

"Your apartment is beautiful Stef. It really is, even without the tree." I say looking around as her apartment really was beautiful and nicely decorated despite what she thought. It was cozy, inviting and classic as I walk over to the window and watch the snow falling heavier covering the hilly streets of the Bronx. "You have an amazing view too."

"Yeah. I always loved this view." She walks over and stands beside me as I turn to look at her. "Even as a little kid I loved it and we'd go sledding and all kinda stuff. It was a great place."

"Is it hard for you to be here? To live here I mean?"

"MM yes and no. Yes in the sense that it has so many memories . But no in the sense where I can't imagine someone else living here. I don't know if that makes sense or not." I continue to stare at her beautiful profile as I boldly grab her hand and she looks at me.

"It makes perfect sense."

"I thought about renovating and selling. But I haven't given it anymore thought."

"That's ok. You don't have to sell and you don't have to decide today Stef. It's still pretty new you know."

"Yeah I guess. Hey, lets um decorate the tree? I have some ornaments."

"Sure." I say watching her walk off as I can see it's a rather painful topic one that I won't push her to talk about at all. Turning around I see her pull a rather large box out of the closet and place it on the coffee table as I walk over to help her. 

"Oh wow are these your ornaments?"

"That they are. Old ones too from way before my time."

"They are beautiful." I pick a little angel up as I can see it is rather old and worn but so delicate and sensitive at the same time.

"My grandmother made that. When she was little."

"Goodness, it's beautiful. And so special that you still have it." I gently place it on the table as I look back at her and she smiles. "Thank you for letting me come over. I admit sometimes even I don't want to be home alone."

"You can come over anytime Lena. I'm serious. Just like you told me I could call you at anytime the same thing applies. Especially now that you know where I live." She winks at me as I blush so badly it's nearly embarrassing as I just can't help but laugh and I playfully slap her arm.

"You are a jokester! Always!"

"Yeah I know it! Got me in a ton of trouble at school."

"Not you! I can't see that." I tease her back as I place a few hooks in some of the very delicate ornaments.

"Oh but I was. Eventually I calmed down but I was a class clown sometimes. But, tell me lady, you think you are staying here? In New York that is?"

"I think so. Yes. And um, I'm just grateful that we became friends. It's kinda ironic." I laugh placing an ornament on the tree as she turns to look at me.

"In what sense?"

"Well, I wasn't totally honest with you when I met you. But I was dead set against making new friends. I mean I was trying to cleanse myself as you know and trying to find myself."

"Ahh yes Miss Vegan." She teases as I blush again.

"I know that was such a silly idea wasn't it??? I mean I've come up with some winners in my lifetime but that takes the cake."

"Ahh, it's ok Lena. You were trying your best and it wasn't easy." She hands me another ornament as I nod my head at her.

"I guess, I mean its just been hard to trust. Anyone for that matter and, crap that came out wrong. It's not that I don't trust you..its...

"It's ok Lena, I understand what you mean. It must have been hard coming out of a relationship of ten years like that and feeling like you didn't know the person."

"It was. I mean, now I just wonder if I ever really knew her."

"Well, do you think there were things you missed?

"Most likely. I was young and stupid and blinded." I admit as I feel her looking at me.

"Hey, don't stay that. You didn't know Lena and you didn't deserve that. It wasn't fare of her not to love you, she should have loved you and treated you well. It's not that hard." She smiles at me as I feel my stomach do flips for Stef was really sweet beyond words.

"Thank you."

"Of course."

"But, what about you?" I ask as she pours two glasses of wine and passes me one.

"What about me?"

"I mean, well, not to be nosy, but are you dating? I you have girlfriend?"

She clears her throat as we both take a seat on the couch and sip our wine and I was hoping I didn't embarrass her because it wasn't like I needed to know if she was dating or anything.

"I'm sorry Stef, I wasn't trying to be nosy. You don't need to answer that."

"Oh no Lena it's fine. I told you that you can ask me anything but to be honest I, I don't have a girlfriend and no I'm not dating. I'm well, kinda awkward in the area. I haven't really been out there much and when I did date, um the women I dated they weren't really too happy with me."

I gently place my hand on hers as her warm eyes look into mine.

"You're not awkward. Maybe you just haven't met the right person yet that deserves your time and your heart. And that person would be very lucky to have you." I now see her blush as she lets out a soft and shy smile. "And if those women you dated weren't happy with you then they don't know you like I do."

"Ahh you just say that stuff because I take you to these good food places and let you ride my bus for free!" She teases as I shake my head at her laughing myself.

"Always the jokester. And no, I say it because it's true. You are rare, yet familiar and when I'm with you I feel happy ans safe. That's the truth." She sips her wine and looks back into my eyes as we both exchange smiles again.

"You're easy to be friends with Lena. I'm glad that I can make you laugh and feel safe. And, for some reason it's easy for me to spill my guts to you. Which is something I don't ever do. Because I guess you make me feel safe too."

"That's good." I say as we continue to stare at one another and Stef looks away putting her glass down. Truth was I wish she had not looked away because I could stare into her eyes all night. But I needed to stop that, we were, we were just friends.

"So um we should finish the tree right?"

"Sure, and then It's a Wonderful Life and leftovers?"

"Ha! But of course doll face." She stands as I blush once more and part of me couldn't help but wonder if Stef knew I found her attractive by the things I was saying. And if she did would that make things weird?

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