One Year Later

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It had been a year since Lena and I had gotten together and my life had completely changed in ways that I could never have imagined. If you had asked me a year ago if I'd ever know true happiness again, I would have told you no. But now I do, and even with the pain of loosing my Grandma Rudy, that has lessened since Lena entered my life  and since she convinced me that it was ok to a grief group.

Last Christmas had been amazing, and I was planning  on making this Christmas the same. We had already done our visit to Rockefeller Center, we ate at that little coffee shop in Harlem where we had our first, date, I got her some chocolates, fudge and we went ice skating. She even took me to a few shows at the MOMA and allowed me to remember how much I loved to draw and paint.

In terms of moving over to transit I decided to stay with driving the bus for another year when I felt I knew what I really wanted to do. I still enjoyed my job a good amount, and Like Lena told me I could change anytime I wanted. She was right, and she never pressured me to do something I wasn't comfortable with and I was grateful for her patience, understanding and loyalty. But I did change my route to be closer to home and the nice thing about it was Lena took the bus to the school she was teaching at now and that alone made it all worth it.

This Christmas, well, this Christmas I wanted to ask Lena to be my fiance. Of course we couldn't marry legally anywhere but I knew in our hearts we would be. She was really the only person for me and she was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and hopefully start a family with. We had already applied to be foster parents, and were in the classes,  even if it was very difficult for a gay couple. Regardless we would try our very hardest because it was something we both really wanted in life. 

As I make my way home I had decided not to sell my grandparents apartment right now and we were renovating it along with the second bedroom. Being here with Lena was far less painful and I was now learning to enjoy the memories I had growing up here.  She had turned it into an even more beautiful home for us and I had fallen in love with it all over again, but in a different way.

Unlocking our apartment door I hear soft Christmas music as I walk in and hang up my coat. I notice Lena has hung up little white holiday lights, she put more decorations out and or tree was up. I smile at all of it as I see a plate of cookies on our kitchen table. Slide my shoes off I don't see any sign of Lena and as I change out of my uniform I feel someone wrap their arms around me and I smile instantly.

"Hi honey." She whispers as I turn around and we softly kiss on the lips. "I missed you."

"I missed you too beautiful. I love how you put all the decorations up baby. It's beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it. Come I have dinner for us , and then um we can shower later." She winks at me as I smile wide for Lena has remained a flirt and she still turned me on. Big time and I was not complaining by any means. Tossing my tank and sweatpants on I see her at our little table pour two glasses of wine  as she serves us ziti with a salad.

"This looks good babe. I'm starving."

"I'm sure you are. You had a long day."

"Somewhat. I dropped those desserts over to Grandma Bunny and Irving. They were very happy."

"Of course they both have a sweet tooth!" She laughs as I take a sip of wine.

"Len, um incase I haven't told you, you have made my life, well, it's been an amazing year with you. I don't really know how to describe how happy I am with you, I just know I am. This is the life I've always wanted." She puts her fork down and gets up to sit on my lap and strokes my cheek gently.

"I think I feel in love with you on our second date. Maybe even our first. It was snowing and magical. Maybe I even fell in love with you on that bus. When you would smile at me, and make me laugh and make my heart flutter. It's hard to say when I fell in love with you but once I did that was it.  Each day it grows more and more and more and I'm teaching because of you.  You taught me not to give up, and I didn't even when I wanted to.  I want to live our best life together no matter what the world says we can't do. Maybe one day it will let us."

"Let us do what sweetheart?" I ask now tearing at this point over everything she has said to me.

"I wanna marry you."

"Yeah?" I grin wide as she nods her head at me. "Well it just so happens that ummm...well I have an early Christmas present for you." I reach in my pocket and hand her the little box as she looks at me rather confused. "Open it."

"Stef what did you do?" She smiles wide at me as I gesture for her to open the present. And as she does she pops open the box and looks into my eyes.

"I guess great minds think alike?"

"Stef, I...." She can barely get my name out as she puts her hand over her mouth and I see tears run down her cheeks.

"Baby, will you? Will you marry me sweetheart?" I gently wipe her tears as we both smile at each other once again. "Mm Mrs. Adams Foster?"

"I'd be crazy not to say yes Mrs. Adams Foster."


"Yes." She says now playing with my short hair as I can't help but smile and she returns it looking right into my eyes." And Stefanie, I love you baby. God do I ever."

"I love you too my sweetheart. Forever." I say as I slide the ring on her finger and we both have tears in or eyes, but happy tears and I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. Neither one of us could.

"Come lets go sit outside and watch the snow."

"I'd love to baby. I'd love to."


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