Two Weeks

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For the rest of the week I had taken the M7 to work every morning as Stef and I chatted the entire 15 minutes it took to get to Columbus Circle from Harlem. What I found out was Stef was really a nice person, very kind, and very passionate about life and the job she did. Sure she seemed a tad shy and somewhat private but she was actually funny and had me laughing every morning about one thing or another. 

Despite her being shy I did learn she was in fact close to her grandfather who passed earlier this year from cancer. That made me feel heartbroken for her, it really did as  I saw a photo of him taped to her dashboard as well and it allowed me to see how sensitive she was and possibly someone I could be friends with? Not that I didn't have friends already but she seemed very different from the ones that were already in my life.

Tonight I was supposed to meet up with them in the Easy Village for a birthday celebration. Not that I didn't want to see them but after my first week of work the last place I wanted to go to at night was a bar. But I would even if it had never been my scene, and some part of me wanted to prove I wasn't some hermit.

So as it snowed this Friday morning  and it began to blanket the streets of Harlem  a smile forms on my face as I see her bus pull up on time like always.

She opens the door and as always I'm greeted by her warm face and I walk up the steps coffee in my hand that I had purchased for her.

"Thought you could use this? Just my way of saying thanks for being so nice on my first week of work. Usually I get stomach aches going to work especially  a new job but talking to you has helped."

"That's really nice of you Lena. You didn't need to do that." She smiles once again at me as I toss my change in the machine.

"I wanted to Stef. You get me to work on time everyday."

"It's my pleasure Lena and thank you. But I have to say you must also be psychic because I just finished my second cup and I really need this one." I hand it to her as she places it in her cup holder and I take my usual seat up front returning to smile to her.

"Oh, then I'm so glad I got it. But did you work a double again?"

"I did which I probably shouldn't have if I'm honest. I should have gotten some rest. It's hard to say not to that pay though."

"Well that is true but rest is very important and from what you have told me you work a ton. Not to be nosy but, do you need to?"

"Nah not really. I get antsy I guess so to say and sometimes my quiet apartment drives me bonkers." She admits as I nod my head understanding more then she probably knows.

"I really do understand that. But you know I'm supposed to go out with friends tonight to some bar in the east village. "

"Yeah? That sounds fun. Especially after a work week." She takes another sip of coffee as I shake my head.

"Not at all! I hate bars and I hate being out passed 8." I say as she now laughs and glances at me. "I know I'm an old lady." 

"Not at all Lena and that's pretty much my speed. It I'm not working that is."

"Well are you working tonight?" 

"Actually I think I'm going to skip working tonight. I may follow your advice and get some rest while you enjoy your hot night on the town." She teases as I bust out laughing but wondering if I should invite her.

"Well, if you want do you want to come out with us? I'd skip it but it's my friend Armond's birthday."

"That's nice of you Lena, but I think I really head home and get some rest."

"I completely understand. Believe me." I sip my own coffee now wondering if I made this weird for I didn't want her to feel obligated to say yes.

"But, how about next weekend?  Do you like the window displays on 5th?"

"Oh I do! I can't ever get anyone to go with me! You'd go?"

"Sure silly I mean I did ask." She laughs as I shake my head at my silly self. "I don't usually work on weekends but you tell me what works better for you."

"Oh no that's fine. Here let me give you my number."I quickly jot my number down as I see we are almost at my stop and she hands me hers.

"Enjoy your night on the town Lena and I'll see you Monday. You have a good weekend as well."

"You have a good night too Stef. Bye." I smile as she returns it and I step off the bus with a grin still on my face.



As Christmas is getting closer and we are heading into our second week of December it had been two weeks since Lena and I met. Every morning like clockwork she got on at 116th street with a cup of coffee for me and a new story about something her Grandma Bunny told her.

Lena was funny, intelligent and she had me laughing about the people she worked with and how many of them couldn't write a single letter or get their own coffee if their life depended on it.

Honestly she had been a breath of fresh air and I looked forward to her getting on my bus each morning. Plus, I was rather excited about seeing the window displays with her tomorrow for she seemed like such a nice person and I really wanted to get to know her even more.

As I pull up to her stop I see Lena like always as we both greet each other with smiles. One thing I noticed about Lena was she was always dressed so eloquently and her hair was always out in those beautiful curls she had. Today she wore them swooped to the side with a pretty scarf and light makeup as her smile like always gave me butterflies. It was no secret  that I was attracted to her BUT there was no way I'd ever let that be known. She was a nice person and seemed like someone that may be a good friend. That was all.

"Good morning.  I got coffee from a new place today. Let me know what you think." She says happily as I take it.

"Lena, how much do I owe you for all this coffee?" She goes to put her change in and I reach my hand over to stop her. "It's on me."

"Nooooo you know I pay my way."

"And so do I. This coffee hasn't been free I know."

"For you it is." She says tossing her change in as I shake my head and she takes her usual seat.

"You my dear are far to kind. I will pay you back tomorrow."

"Nope! Hey speaking of tomorrow do you wanna grab lunch before hand?"

"Sure. That sounds fun. Any particular place you like?"

"Mm well what do you like to eat?"

"Oh Lena as you will find out I am not picky. I love everything."

"Well that's easy! I'm a vegan but I wont subject you to that." She laughs as I smile and take a sip of my warm coffee.

"I'm also accommodating. How about we sleep on it and decide tomorrow. I can give you a call in the morning if that works?"

"Sure. That will give me time to think, and I have another story for you!"

"Oh goodness! Spill!" We both laugh as I make my way to Columbus Circle wishing she didn't need to get off. But she would and I'd have to try  my hardest to keep my attraction to her unknown tomorrow.

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