The Christmas Song

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"I declare war!" Stef says as she had beaten me in another game of WAR as we had light Christmas music playing from the radio and her pretty Christmas lights on. It was now passed midnight and the city was quiet for everything was shut down.

Right now as Stef and I goofed around and continued to enjoy each other's company as we sipped on more wine and cheese and I sat in her tee shirt I had to admit I had flirted with her earlier. I wasn't even sure where that came from but she was so beautiful, I loved her company and well I was attracted to her.  

But I couldn't be and there was no way I was messing up our friendship. I couldn't and I had just come out of a failed relationship and didn't want her to be some rebound. She was worth far more then that as I come out of my thoughts and admire her short hair  that she just washed and combed.

"Well you beat me again. I shouldn't even try." I laugh as she smiles at me and sips her wine.

"Ahh you can. I'll let you win next time."

"NOO WAY!! I pay my own way!!"

"Ahh so you have told me MANY mornings Miss Adams." She tease as I narrow my eyes at her.

"Well even if we are friends I don't think its fair of me to ride for free all the time."

"Why so? You  make me coffee EVERY morning. And last week we brought me breakfast."

"And you paid me back by paying for lunch this week AND everything last weekend. I still owe you."

"Lena, you pay me back by being my friend. I don't think we should worry about paying each other back all the time. I think just being friends it's just what we do.  Treat each other. And we know we aren't taking advantage of each other." She smiles at me as I sip my wine and place it on the table.

"That we aren't but I'm glad the subway was diverted that day and I'm glade I ran for you bus."

"Yes? I'm glad I stopped for you." She stares harder into my eyes as hers are so intense and beautiful that it's so hard to look away. 

"You know last Christmas was horrible, and I know it was for you too. At the time I just wanted to hide an never see the world again. Ever. I didn't think I'd ever have a life again, or smile, I was knee high in debt and my savings was depleted and I just cried."

"And now?"

"Well  I never imagined I'd live in New York City or with Grandma Bunny or thinkin about teaching again. I've been working on my resume and I'd like to show you."

"I'd love to see it." She smiles again as I look into my glass of wine and back into her warm eyes.

"What about you?" I ask as I hear one of my favorite songs come on the radio and she puts her glass down stands up and reaches her hand out for me to take it.

"Dance with me." She smiles as I blush deeply and grab her hand as we both dance to Nat King Coles, A Christmas Song. I had never been this close to Stef as I felt her gently hold my waist as I wrap my hands around her neck. I can't help but glance into her soft eyes as the butterflies are going haywire in my stomach from being this close to her.

"To answer your question Lena, last year was probably the worst year of my life. Christmas was horrible and I wanted to forget about it this year. All together. I had just planned on working myself to death and never being home."

"And now?" I ask as I can't help but run my thumbs across her short hair for I don't know why I was feeling so hot and,  and well so attracted to her especially as the day went on. Maybe it was the wine that had me feeling much more relaxed or maybe I was just relaxed with her.

"Now, I feel as if I do matter and that there are things to celebrate. My heart still hurts on many days Lena, many but somethings and some people make it hurt alot less."

"People? So you do have a girlfriend?" I tease as she smiles so wide and we continue swaying a bit to the music.

"Well, I have a friend who yes is a girl, well a beautiful, intelligent, and funny woman, who has made me realize that life will be ok again. That maybe I'm not all that corny."

"You aren't corny at all." I whisper now as I move closer to her as it seems we are only inches apart from one another.


"No, not at all Stef. I think you're amazing." I continue to run my fingers in her soft hair as it seems neither if us have blinked. 

"Amazing? I think you are too sweetheart." She whispers as her affectionate word makes my heart beat faster. But I knew we couldn't go beyond being friends. I didn't want to risk that not working or use hurting each other. I couldn't as it feels she moves me closer to her. "What's wrong? You ok love?"

"Stef, I like you."

"Yes? I like you too Lena."

"No, I mean I like you, like you. And I was trying so hard not to. But I can't help it, you make my heart race and I get these butterflies every time I see you. And you you aren't a rebound, I just, I know you said that well you aren't good in relationships or that women were angry with you but Stef goodness do I have such feelings for you and....."

And before I can continue she pushes me closer to her and I feel her lips gently press against mine and I can't help but slowly kiss her back for what seems like hours.

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