Arthur Avenue

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This week had been long for whatever reason, maybe because I had been looking forward to hanging out with Lena on Saturday again and I could only hope we would have a good time.

 I knew the restaurant I was going to take her to already and a little place after for cannoli and espresso. It had been awhile since I had been to Arthur Avenue myself and I was hoping that Lena would like it. There was a little park we could stroll through afterwards to walk off the food and if she wanted we could come back to my place to watch a few movies. I'd leave that part up to her because I didn't want her to feel obligated, plus, my apartment wasn't even remotely decorated for the holiday. It was still rather bland and I had still neglected to get a tree.

Honestly, seeing Lena every morning continued to put a big smile on my face and it seemed like no matter what I said either she blushed or came off shy. She wasn't really as shy on the phone but in person for sure and she was really the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. But seeing her every morning along with our nightly phone calls only increased my attraction to my new friend. Unfortunately.

Today would be no different and I had to continue to keep a cap on it for I in no way wanted to ruin the friendship that we have.  I enjoyed it so much and really didn't want to mess it up. Not that I had much experience in the romance department for it was rather embarrassing considering I was 40.

Throwing my jeans and sweater on I peek outside my third floor apartment window to see snow lightly falling. This morning on the radio they were predicting only about two inches of snow so I wasn't really worried about it even if it seemed like more was accumulating.  Putting my Reebok sneakers and my grandpa's coat I could feel my stomach growling since I had a light breakfast as I lock my apartment and make my way up to Arthur Avenue. 

Hopping on the bus and flashing my MTA pass I could only imagine just how beautiful Lena was going to look today. That alone was giving me giant butterflies in my stomach as I thought more and more about her pretty smile and infectious laugh. She really had been giving me alot to think about in terms of my life, even if we were just friends and I at times was still hesitant to tell her anymore abut some of my difficulties.

I just didn't always know how, for she seemed so put together even when she was telling me how crushed her ten year relationship left her. There was just something so classy and elegant about Lena and her sophistication left me at times speechless. 

Trying  not to think so much I pull the handle for my stop as I head off the bus and make my way down Arthur Avenue. The snow was picking up a little bit more as I could see there was already two inches on the ground. Still I wasn't to worried as I see Lena in the distance as she heads inside the restaurant and I don't even notice that a smile forms on my face.

Walking a tad bit faster now I head in myself as she dusts her feet off and I do the same.

"Lena, hey." I say as she turns around smiling and dusting her coat off.

"Stef hi! I Feel like I haven't seen you in years!" She teases as I laugh.

"Oh yeah? But it was just yesterday! Miss me already???" I tease back as she laughs and takes her coat off and I admire her pretty blouse with her acid washed jeans. It was probably the first time I had seen her in jeans and she looked, just wow.

"But of course! ANDDDD I thought I would be late because I got lost." We both follow the waitress as I try to re frame from staring at her too hard.

"What happened? Were my directions terrible? Honestly I should have met you at your place and we could have come together."

"Oh no! I have to get used to traveling around the city. I take pride in finding places on my own. Even if get lost. But silly me I went downtown instead of uptown and your directions were perfect! " She laughs as I smile at her and we are seated at our table which is by the window.

I can see the snow is picking up more as the waitress brings us our menus to look over. But, Lena is stunning, she really is with her beautiful full curls, pretty white scarf and light makeup as she catches my eyes and blushes.

"So um what do you feel like having?" I ask trying to brush off the fact that she caught me staring.

"Oh goodness everything looks so good. What do you recommend?"

"Do you like ravioli?"


"Ok then, lets order some of that, with some wine and eggplant and we can share?"

"Sounds good. I'd like that." We both exchange warm smiles as once again we enjoy our meal while we laugh and joke and just have a really good time.

"So this is really good. I mean you really do know all the good food places, and I am officially stuffed!" She pats her stomach as I do the same feeling equally full.

"I'm glad you liked it Lena and I gotta say I can't take another bite either. You're gonna have to take the rest home."

"Oh no way!This right here is anther 10 pounds!" She laughs as I smile and take a sip of my water noticing how much the snow has picked up.

"Looks like its starting to pick up outside. Much more then two inches out there." I say as Lena turns around now herself to see.

"Oh yeah it really is. Maybe we should rent some movies and bring this food back to your apartment? I mean if that's ok? I'm just not in a rush to go home yet. Grandma Bunny is at her friends for a bingo party."

"Oh it's fine, of course Lena. But I must confess I didn't really decorate or get a tree. So my place is rather bland if I'm honest."

"Oh that's ok! Lets find one and decorate! Oh and get some cannolis to go with these leftovers." Her face lights up as I smile back at her now. My stomach however was doing somersaults, but we were just friends and there was nothing to worry so much about. I just wished my attraction to her wasn't growing by the second.

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