Chapter One- Introduction

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Hello, I just wanted to say that this is my second book so I am still getting the hang of writing. I hope you enjoy this. Thank you for reading this and please comment, vote, and share! :-)

A loud beeping sound filled my ears as my alarm clock went off in the corner of my room. Groaning I flipped onto my stomach as I covered my ears in a feeble attempt to drown out the ceasless noise. When I had sat in that position for around three minutes listening to the droaning of the clock and hoping that it would magically turn off and let me go back to sleep I sighed and threw off the covers, shivering as the cold air hit my skin, and hissed in the direction of my alarm as walked over to turn it off by tapping the floating hologram in the image of the time, 6:04 a.m. I swear the people who invented school were sadists, I opened my dresser drawers and pulled out a light grey long-sleeve shirt, dark pair of skinny jeans, white socks, and a white infinity scarf. I mentally patted myself on the back as I tugged my scarf over my head and walked downstairs for some breakfast. "Hi, mom. Nice to see you up early too." I said to my mom who was sitting at the table munching away on a piece of toast. "Where is Rose?" Mom replied, "I thought she deserved a little extra sleep, I'm waking her up in five minutes." "Okay." I replied as I shuffled over to the "fridge" in search of some food. I say "fridge" because now we call them metal gridge, completely dull but still what they are called now. They are made out of a gelatine-like substance that we shove the food into. The jelly-stuff then creates a small pocket of air that insulates the object and changes temperature to help preserve the food. Once the food expires a halo around the air pocket will glow purple and wait for disposal. After careful examination through the translucent green goo, I pulled out a peach yogurt, an english muffin, and some nutella. These foods are no longer made but my family has what you could call obsession with what is called Bygone Earth. Bygone Earth was the time period of which was ended because of all of the polution, protests, and fighting throughout the world. When the Earth was "renewed" many things were dropped including the normal foods we once ate due to the fact that obesity was common and the governments wanted to make the world more healthy. Now in what we call Regenerated Earth my parents have started to remake some of the discontinued foods through old cookbooks and recipes that we found in the ruble of buildings or in flea markets. Once my english muffin is toasted and coated in my chocolaty goodness, otherwise known as Nutella, I begin to munch away happily at my relatively healthy breakfast. Just as I had finished half of my breakfast a small hand snatched away my beautiful half of of the english muffin. Outraged I stiffled a scream of anger and lept to my feet, prepaired to chase the devilish child who had stolen my precious food. I narrowed my eyes at the little girl named Rose who smirked and stuck out her tongue at me. When I saw her mishchievious eyes look down to the food in her hand I lept ot action. Quickly I sped over to the now startled Rose and secured the english muffin in my hand and transferred it to my plate. Next I extract my revenge through something deadly: tickling. Rose screamed and tried to get away but I had her secured in my hands like a vice. She laughed like crazy as she beat me with her hands in a futile attempt to escape. Giggling, I gave her mercy and released her. Rose ran to mom laughing her head off only to be greeted by another tickle monster, one who was far more experienced than me. Mom tickled Rose for about five minutes before she too released the little shedevil and I was able to eat my breakfast in peace.

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