Chapter 6

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After school I walked outside with Sarah and headed to the library. I have always been an avid reader because my mom loved books. She had shelves full of them and there are stacks located all around the house. I would always go through and try to memorize the authors for each title. After finishing off all of the books in the house, I turned my attention to the library. It became my sanctuary, a place where I could hide away and read for hours without anyone ever bothering me. I find it sad that no body ever goes to the library. Social media like Blitz! and What's Upp as well as websites that stream funny holograms and free music have taken over people's attention and books were all but forgotten.

As Sarah and I headed to the library we bumped into Evie as she was walking home. "Hi Evie!" I was smiling, I liked her. In the classes we had together I had gotten to know her better and she was really funny and sweet. "Hi!" She said enthusiastically. "Hello, my name is Sarah." Sarah held out her hand and gave Evie a warm smile. I hadn't realized they had never met before. Oops. Evie returned the smile and shook Sarah's hand. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Oh, I'm going home. How about you two?" We were going to go to the library, would you like to come with us?" Evie seemed excited and accepted out offer happily. "Thank you so much for inviting me, I love libraries! Reading is my favorite thing!" We continued to talk as we head to the library.

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