Chapter 11: Sword art Lyoko,

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Once I log on and land I look over to see if Asuna had made it and am shocked to see that she stands before me in her old sao gear. I look down at myself and I too am in my old sao gear with dark repulser and elucidator on my back.

"When I was logging your data I saw this was your first armer so I thought you would feel better in it," Jeremy explains.

A huge smile slowly creeps its way across my face as I draw my swords. "Oh ya this will do nicely.  I dash forward with a blinding speed. Asuna kept pace right next to me. "Jeremy where are they?"

"Keep going another 10 klicks and you will run right into all the fighting I had to load you guys away from them so you were not attacked right as you formed," Jeremy explained. I nod looking forward my eyes scanning every bit of the land before me.

The terrain around us was covered in ice and snow but my feet never slipped once. Asuna and i made it the 10 klicks in seconds. I can't be 100% but i feel like we may be faster in Lyoko than we are in Alfhiem. I will have to ask Jeremy about it later for now i need to deal with what's right in front of me.

Huge hornet-looking monsters and some red crab-like monsters were everywhere. I quickly spot Yui and Alieta then are pinned down behind an ice wall. Ulrich is blocking laser blasts from the Hornets with his two swords like a master swordsman. So he to was a duel wilder like me... a laster blast past my face made me snap back to the task at hand. "Ulrich where is Yumi?"

"She got blasted right before you guys got here it's just me and I don't got a lot of life left."

"We got you, get the girls to the tower thingy," Asuna shouts and stands one of the hornets making it explode.

Ulrich nods and turns back to the girls. I quickly dash into the spot he was standing in and start blocking the attacks. "Get or little girl out of here!"

Asuna quickly joined me. Having her at my side my confident skyrockets. Using my swords I send the Hornets blast right back at them turning them to pixels. Once they were dispatched I turn my attention to the crab's.

Asuna was already in battle with one her sword moving so fast it was just a blur as it stikes the things legs. This is why she is know as lighting flash. As the crab comes falling down on top of her. Angel wings form on her back and she jumps up flying right at the belly of the mister. She sticks it 11 times and as she makes the final blow I see the ghost image of Yukki as her side.

This last Crab is all mine and I know just what to use in him. I cross my swords behind my back. They start to glow and a smirk. "Kirito!" Asuna yells at me and I dash forwerd and jump in to the air and as I come face to what I hope is it's face I let my attack fly. I steak the monster again and again faster and faster tell my arms are burning and my speed is maxed out "die!" I shout as I make the 49th and 50th blow in a X shaped slash on the monster.

As I land I slash my swords in the air and shith them as the monster turns to pixels. The battle seem to just flow by if. We don't need to talk, we been fighting like this for so long that we don't need words. We know what the other is going to do without even having to think about it. In a few minutes, all monsters were pixels and we were running towards the tower.

"I have never seen anyone fight like the two of you that was amazing," Jeremy says.

Asuna and I smile as we join up with Ulrich who is standing outside the tower. Ulrich nods and lays a soft hand on my shoulder.
"We did it lets get you guys out of here and go see your daughter." He says and is pixelated, I look over at Asuna and smile ear to ear.

"It's time my love," I say and as a white light comes over me I am logged out of Lyoko. When i open my eyes again i am back in the computer room and Asuna is squeezing my hands. I can hear Jeremy typing away.

"Ok, Alita I am bringing you and Yui back now," Jeremy says. This makes me jump to my feet as does Asuna. We rip off our headgear and run over to the elevator i quickly hit the down button the doors slow open and i hear Jeremy chuckling as the door closed behind us "Yep there on the way down now."

The ride down one floor felt like 10 century as the elevator slowly comes to a stop and opens the door. We are greeted by Ulrich and Yumi and they walk us over to one of the three large tubs that i am guessing are the scanners Jeremy talked about.  The door slid open and there laying on the floor was Yui and her white dress. She slow set up and looked around as soon as her eyes fill on Asuna and me she started to cry and ran into our arms. The three of us fall to the ground in a huge family hug. This felt so amazing to hold both Asuna and Yui in my arms here in the real world. This is what being home truly feels like.

 This is what being home truly feels like

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